Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, November 15, 2004


Just a quick entry to say CONGRATS! to my dear friend, Joe. He recently got engaged! So please keep Joe and his future bride, Jamie in your prayers. - Stacey

Momories & Mulit-tasking

Well life is busy but that's the way I like it... women are good at multi-tasking... well a lot of us are. This past week has had it's perks and it's pits... I've spent most of the week in tears but because I am a woman and I acted without thinking so for the past few days I've been kicking myself over it (a few times litterally but that's beside the point). All is well now... I apologized and God has shown me that it's ok.

Oh I was told at work the other day that guys see me as intimidating and that's why guys don't talk to me like a normal girl. That's was a huge weight off my shoulders cause I always thought it was because i wasn't pretty enough. I talked to my ex, Zach tonight and he said... "you knew what you wanted and did what you had to to get it...i personally liked it". So thank you to Zach :).

I'm curently reading three different books... i know i know... One is "Les Miserables" by: Victor Hugo... my favorite musical so i pick the book up every once in a while to refresh my memory. Another (and most recent) is "Persuasion" by: Jane Austen. I love her as a writer. "Pride & Prejudice" is by far my favorite of her series... I own the movies for "Pride & Prejudice", "Sence & Sensibility" and "Persuasion" and watch them quite often... mom just bought me the books so I've just started them but I'm already on chapter 3. The third is the Bible... I'm only on Exodus but I feel like I'm honestly at one with God when I pick up the bible... unfortunatly it's one of those books I pick up and cant put down though... It would be ok if I never had to work. It's so big. hahaha

speaking of books i pick up and cant put down... y'all should get a copy of "The Complex Infrastructure Known As The Female Mind" by: Relient K... I finished it in 2 days... would have been shorter but I of course had to work. Anyway... It's a good one! But I have to get some sleep some time... so I bid you all good night. - Stacey