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Thursday, April 21, 2005

Happy Happy... To Me!

This has been the best birthday ever! I went and saw Starfield again... they remembered me which was cool... not at all expected but a good feeling that I was as perfessional as I try to be every time I meet the bands that Way brings to town. That made me feel really good about myself. Un1on will actually like come up to me and be like "Hey. How's it going? Haven't seen you in a while." when I see them out and about at other peoples concerts... which they go to a lot. I love that feeling... esp when Starfield remembered me since they're one of my favorite bands...

Oh yeah!... Best birthday ever... oops... got side tracked remembering sorry... so where was I... oh yeah... they said happy birthday to me like 50 times and they thanked up for going to the show like 60... but it showed they "really appreciate our support" *Smiles as she the gears in her mind start turning* Sorry... just an extra birthday gift that was VERY unexpected from Jon Neufeld... anyway... Shane bought me a cd, "Decadance" by: Head Automatica. Not at all the kind of lyrics a small town christian girl should be listening to... i admit they swear a few times in the cd... but I can honestly say I dont pay attention to the lyrics... Head Automatica's sound is just really unique and I like that.... plus in the recording business you have to have an open mind to all styles of music. Just because I dont agree with the lyrics doesn't mean I can't like the beat right???

He got me a new portable cd player to go with the cd. Yeup... I have worn out all the cd players in my apartment except the computer and the dvd players. Kind of hard to drag those out on to the porch when I'm sitting out there working on a story.

Jen & Jerry bought me dress clothes for the station which I wanted and needed. Anisa, Josh & the girls gave me money for a tanning package which you all know I need! And Josh... the chef he is has promised to make me some chinese food this weekend. I can't wait!

Dad & Linda gave me money... digital camera here I come! And mom gave me life... hahaha nah... ok well that too... 23 years ago... but I got a new oriental bed set from her. :)... Ok I should stop now... You're probably tired of listening to me rave about my AWESOME birthday thanks to my family, friends and Starfield! LOVE Y'ALL! - Stacey Ree

Monday, April 18, 2005

Umm... Happy birthday... I think...

Wow a lot has happened since I last updated... My boyfriend and I broke up... but it's ok it was a mutual choice and now I know without a doubt it was for the best... I did love him and I'm sure he loved me but it just wouldn't have worked out with the situation we were in. It's really ok... because Shane was there as any best friend should be and before I knew it I was going on a date with him. It's been an amazing time since we started dating and I thank God for blessing me with not only Shane's friendship but for giving me the courage to FINALLY admit that I liked him. hahaha...

Oh... a BIG thank you to George from un1on (a local christian hip-hop duo on thier way) for signing my guestbook! You're the greatest and I'm sure I'll see you at the station sometime. hahaha

Then on to one of my biased favorite updates... I went to see Starfield again on Sunday (April 16, 2005) as a birthday present to myself. And much to my surprise THEY REMEMBERED ME! Jon stepped away from the autograph table for a second to ask me if I was enjoying myself and then gave me a high five since I had driven 2 hours to see them. I had a mini-convo with Jon & Tim. I love those guys. But the best part was when we were talking and Tim was like "Were you yelling 'Buy Our CD'?" and it was... I don't think anyone there had heard "Buy Our CD" before except me and I wanted to hear it all night so when they came out for the encore and I screamed "BUY OUR CD!" and they sang it! It was awesome! Pictures to come soon and I promise I will try to update more often. :D - Stacey Ree