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Monday, June 20, 2005

Andy on a mission...

HELLO ANDY! I got your message on the air... only a little too late lol But hello back and I hope the mission trip is going well... i know you probably wont get this until you get back but thanks for the "hi" it really made me feel important...

See ya the 9th! AND BRING YOUR BRIDE - TO - BE!!!!

Meet Corey...

Oh man where to begin... Well tomario is my cousin, Kelley's b-day... HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLEY! I LOVE YOU! My friend Corey (you haven't heard about him yet but you will...) is an AMAZING artist... everyone should check out his artwork... like this picture he drew for me...

too bad it's the wrong turtle :) He's the reason I'm updating tonight. I've been meaning to but never actually had. So thank Corey if you've been waiting for an update :)

Well I've made some new friends since the last post... I started hanging out with Corey a lot... and then I went to Blitzfest earlier this month with my cousin and her friend. I got BOTH addicted to Starfield which makes me VERY happy. I told the guys that I got two more fans for them and Jon was like "Well we owe you $5 for each new fan" It was so cute. Gordie acted like he was drawing on my face with a sharpie when I got my picture (posted on the "bands" section) and Carla was as beautiful as ever... I would LOVE to look like her.

Shaun noticed me and remembered me. I laughed or something and he must have heard cause next thing I knew he was smiling at me and Rachel (my cousin's friend) was like "That hot guy in the green shirt is looking right at you!" It was cool cause he came to the edge of the stage and we talked for a min before Starfield's set. Tim will be forever "the fish killer"... I love him to death but... *sobs* no i can't... it's too painful... hahahaha. I can't wait to see the rest of the pics from Leslie (my cousin) and Rachel.

Two notables... Everyone look out for NEVERTHELESS check them out @ they're an amazing band out of Chatnooga, TN. Trust me you WON'T be sorry. And my friends Redhanded ... I met Andy, the lead singer at the Skillet show in GR so I was surprised when I ran into him at Blitzfest. But we quickly became friends and then that next Monday he came to the station and recorded a liner. Which was awesome. :) Then he went on a mission trip that the station is hosting. And... drumroll... I got to the station today and Mike was like "you got a shot out this morning" Some guy had to pass on a message that some people over there said hi to me Esp Andy. so i made him play it and litterally started jumping around the studio saying hi to Andy (whom obviously was not there) and "That's my friend, Andy!" Hey it made me feel important. Corey laughed pretty hard at me... so did Mike. Oh well... I'm a spaz I've learned to accept that. hahahaha