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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Corey & Concerts

Please keep my best friend, Corey in your prayers... he needs them. He's going through a rough time and really could use God's help. As you can tell from my "bands" page I have gone to yet another show... in fact 2 new shows. I went and saw my frien Andy (lead singer of Redhanded) play in Buchanan, MI along with Kids In The Way.. who I love. It was kind of funny... Rian (Kids In The Way) kept walking by me and I must have looked star struck for some reason cause I remember just fixing my eyes on him. My cousin, Leslie even asked me where he was at one point and I knew. hahaha. And the weird thing is... I think Austin is the hot one out of the band.

ANYWAY... so that was on the 9th and then yesterday on the 12th Shane and I went to see 30 Seconds To Mars (I love them... Shane was yelling bad things at them... he obviously doesn't like them), Taproot & Chevelle. We didn't stay for Chevelle though. It's cool though cause I only know 2 songs by them anyway. But so yeah... 30 Seconds To Mars was awesome from we saw of them. Taproot... oh man do I have stories. It was a rockin' show! My only objective... they swore A LOT! But it's not like one person in a packed night club could stop the lead singer of a band at a secular show ya know. So the show was going awesome.. Shane really enjoyed it and then during the one song I know by Taproot "I" the lead singer walked out into the crowd and like mad a lap around the club... stopping at the bar mid song of course. I found it quite entertaining and then toward the end of the song Shane like grabbed me and pulled me out of the way as a path was formed with me right in the midst of it.

Kind of reminded me of what the parting of the red sea must have looked like. Anyway... the lead singer came like running down this path and like ran into me. But it wasn't bad or anything. Just kind of funny that it happened during the ONLY song I knew by them. Then he started the last song in the mosh pit participating! And on top of it... he was holding his own with the song. I have to admit... I was impressed. However... then a mini-pit broke out right behind me and Shane like stepped in the way to make a wall behind me so I wouldn't get hurt. But I got thrown anyway and some girl stopped me from flying too far. I told her I wasn't used to these concerts and she laughed and goes "Yeah you look like you'd break"... I get that a lot :( But all in all it was a good time. So yeah that's what's been going on in Staceyland... feel free to let me know what's up in your neck of the woods! :) -Spaz-