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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

ho hum

Listening to "Broken Man" by: Boys Like Girls
I really don't have anything to blog about. I'm just bored at work. Phones are dead. oh well.

oh hey! there IS something to talk about!

Yesterday was AJ's 21st birthday! Happy Birthday, AJ!

and today is Aaron's birthday! Happy Birthday, Aaron!

I went to Winter Jam with Stephanie and Brenda on Sunday... that was a hoot! Litterally! Well all but the part where we saw the smushed squirrel on the curb while FREEZING my little patootie off!!!

Then I had to work yesterday *smacks head into desk*

But then I got to see Hawk Nelson AGAIN today with my friend, Chris. She and I went to the taping of Hawk Nelson on GMC (Gospel Music Channel). Great show of course. And we sang Happy Birthday to Aaron.

I could have gone on stage since I had my Hawk Nelson Kazoo but I have stage frieght and there's no way you would have caught me up on that stage!

well i'm off to look at pics from today. -k- bye.

Oh and I met JD too. "IT'S JD!" tee hee *looks at Steph with an "inside joke" grin*

- Stacey -

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

oh what a day!

listening to: "I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight" by: Inked In Blood
Ok so get this i had an AWFUL day today... all but two parts!

you ready for this?

good part #1

I got a birthday present today.

I know. I know. My birthday is in late April. Well Stephanie and Sarah gave me a super early birthday present this afternoon. We went to Build - A - Bear inside the Opry Mills mall and they... well.. built me a bear. He's a "lucky" bear of course. I mean it is me after all. and y'all know how obsessed I am with lucky stuff. They named him Clover St. Patrick. oh and he has 2 hearts inside of him. one from each of them. How cool is that? Oh no! that's not even the best part! No the best part is NOT that he's playing a guitar... it's that he Moos. Yep. My bear makes the noise of a cow. *dies laughing*

ok moving on...

good part #2...

ok so AFTER work. Steph, Sarah and I were sitting in the Garden Conservatory Cafe waiting for Jeremy. and some REALLY drunk guys came walking by. One guy was so drunk that he tripped over himself while he was picking something up. He took it over to Jeremy and goes "Give this to the lost and stolen." So we're like dying and he comes over to us. He goes "Are you laughing at me?" and grabs my Forever 21 bag. He started pulling it away from me. I was sitting down and he was pulling it so that my arm was behind me... yeah kind of hurt.

So walks away and is going through my bag. He grabs my scarf that my mom & sisters gave me for Christmas a few years back... ok... happens to be my favorite. I wear the thing all the time. He gives me back my bag and goes "this is my souvenir" he puts it around his neck and starts walking away. We're still laughing cause we think he's kidding.



I know, right! So how is this good? WWEELL... Steph and Sarah decide to go hunt the drunk jerk down cause I'm about to cry. Steph goes on the sky walk toward Cascades as Sarah takes the paths on the lower part of the Garden Conservatory. I stay sitting there.. alone...

Sarah comes back.... nothing...

Stephanie comes back... with my scarf!!!! I stinkin' love her!

But this is the best part!

We go "Where did you find him? Where is he?"

Her response. "He's passed out in front of the hotel."

ok so Sarah and I think he's passed out cause he's drunk!


Ok so when Stephanie found the guy he was with his 7 or so friends. all late 20's early 30's and you could tell they worked out. She politely asked him for my scarf back. He told her no and that I had given it to him. She said that I hadn't and that she had seen the whole thing. He proceeded to tell her that she'd have to fight him for it and then he called her an Jacka** B****. So she punched him.. I mean the guy almost pulled my arm off... committed theft... AND slander!

The guy totally deserved it!

So punched him and knocked him out so that his friend had to catch him when he fell. His friends started cheering. She picked up my scarf that was hanging out of his pocket and started walking away. One of his friends was like "Why aren't you laughing? That was hilarious!" She turned back and goes "ha ha ha." all sarcastic and then walked away!!!


ok admit it! that guy had it coming and that is stinkin hilarious! I love her!


Thursday, February 01, 2007


listening to: "There's A Class For This" by: Cute Is What Ws Aim For
I miss Corey...

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I miss Leslie...

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I my mom & big sisters...

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I miss my 3 beautiful neices...

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I miss Natalie...

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