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Sunday, November 08, 2009

All is well...

watching: Underworld Evolutions. :D


so it only took 15 months but I have finally met Nick's sister, Chrsytal. Poor girl spent most of the weekend sick. She's a newly expectant mom and it's taking a lot out of her. But luckily she's happy about being a mommy soon. She and her husband, Luke, are going to be great parents. I've only known them for a few days and I can already
tell. :)

On another note... I'm officially living back in Nashville again. I love being closer to Nick. I think we both needed it. We only live about 10 minutes from each other now and it's so much better being able to see each other more often. I've made a few new friends which is nice for when he's gone. Just wish it were easier to balance the 2 and still have time to work enough to pay all my bills. Oh well. All will come in due time... i hope....

that's about it for now. I guess I better get going. I told Nick I'd cook for him from his new recipe book. :)
-Stacey Ree-