Wedding Countdown Ticker

Sunday, December 27, 2009

I'm Engaged!!!!!!

watching: whatever this show is that Nick is watching.

So most of you (all 3 of you that read this lol) know by now that Nick and I got engaged December 22, 2009. Now the fun begins... planning our wedding. I have to admit. I'm nervous. I helped to plan both of my sister's weddings but I was pretty young and don't know much about it.

Talking to Nick this morning I started thinking that once we pick a place (at least narrowing it down to one state would be nice), time of year (or better yet exact date), & colors then everything thing else should fall into place.

We spent Christmas this year with my family in Michigan and my eldest sister, Jennifer gave me the movie "Julie & Julia" as part of my gift. I started to watch it this morning and it gave me the idea to use my blog as updates for the wedding. So I can get out my frustrations, concerns and ideas without taking them out on Nick.

I would also like YOUR help since I'm no good at this... at least that I know of. I mean I've never gotten married before. LOL So any advice you may give, I would GREATLY appreciate.

anyway... this is all I have planned so far....

Groom... check
Ring... check
Maid Of Honor... kinda check
Bridesmaids... check, check and check
Junior Bridesmaid... check
Ring Bearer... check
Flower girl... check

they are as follows:

Maid of Honor - Leslie Redman (my cousin/best friend)... IF she's in the country that is :/
Bridesmaids... Jennifer Palinski (my sister)
Anisa Gunderson (my sister)
Chrystal Masiarak (nick's sister)
Junior bridesmaid... Kendra Gunderson (my niece)
Ring bearer... Emmalee Gunderson (my niece)
Flower girl... Joslynn Gunderson (my niece)

... and that's all so far...

I'm going to buy a few magazines and books hopefully today or tomorrow before work...

wish me luck! lol
-Stacey Ree-