Wedding Countdown Ticker

Thursday, February 04, 2010


listening to: Running Man by: Hanson

just a quick note to say that I'm researching caterers and it's making me really hungry!!!!

- Stacey Ree -

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Ghosts & Weddings...

listening to: "Pray" by: Dierks Bentley

Ok so his blog is a wedding update but more so as a revelation of sorts.... read on and you may understand.

Last night I spoke with an old friend i haven't spoken to in years. Sadly the way the friendship ended wasn't entirely on the best of terms. So after years of regret on both sides, we cleared the air. :) his obviously makes me extremely happy since i was convinced they wouldn't be happy that i was sorry for being such a brat. we all know how much i can act like one! lol but all in all after i got over the initial shock of it all i feel today is gonna be a good day. :D

on that note...

Nick and i have officially found a wedding venue. It's a 100 year old wool mill here in Tennessee. I went to look at it only to humor Nick and was of course cranky the whole time... until we looked at it. :) It got even better once i heard the price and found out what we go for it. Then i was a VERY happy Stacey. We looked at one more place the next day and that very next morning Nick went and put a deposit on it. So it's officially ours December 18, 2010! :D

Our wedding party has also been entirely picked now... mine is still the same but the guys have all been asked and accepted so i can now say that Nick will "not have a best man" just 4 groomsmen to share the best man duties. He chose..

Anthony Morgan - Nick's friend
Jeff Culmer - Nick's friend
Luke Masiarak - Nick's brother-in-law
Brian Jenkins - Nick's friend

so this ought to be interesting... if you knew them you'd understand why i say that. lol

I think that's about it for now. Till next time....
-Stacey Ree-