Wedding Countdown Ticker

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Listening to: other agents talking on the phone.
So as you guessed… I’m at work. Yep. I am bored OUT OF MY MIND! I literally am averaging 1 call every 15 – 20 minutes.

Just got off the phone with one of the girls at Towne Park and she said that they’re just as bad. So now I’m sitting here waiting for Frank to tell me to go home so I can call Don to come get me before I fall asleep!

Oh! Don! Yeah! SURPRISE! NEW GUY IN MY LIFE! Actually it’s 4 new guys! Tee hee.

I am managing a band now. They’re called Shine Under. Living here in Nashville but born and raised in Allegan, MI. I work with two of the guys here at the hotel and it just was in God’s plan for the 3 of us to meet. Then Sean & Adam asked me to be their manager. I of course said yes and asked on of our “co-stars”, Stephanie to assist me in Merchandise.

Then they introduced Stephanie and I to Don. Don is a mechanic as well as the bands drummer. Right now he’s working on my car since It decided it wanted to start squealing and smoking at me 2 days before I was supposed to go visit Kendra for her 7th birthday.

I never made it home.

Well Don is still working on the car and has been nice enough to drive me to work and come pick me up. The guys are amazing! They’re so appreciative! They joke around about the fact that they can’t pay Stephanie and I and so we joke with them. For instance I told them that they could buy me this watch I had when I was 6. It was a ninja turtles watch that had all 4 of their heads on it and the logo.

I lost the watch a long time ago and I’ve been looking for a new one a lot over the past few years. Sean found it. The EXACT watch… ok not exact. The wrist band isn’t black plastic like mine was. But still! How sweet is that! They bought me this watch as a thank you and I was only kidding when I told them about it.

Things have been falling together really well and really fast when it comes to the band. I was really missing the industry, Stephanie wanted to work merch for someone and the guys wanted to tour… well… 2 out of three… check… we’re not going to do any bookings until we find a 4th member. So if any of you know of a guitar player in the Nashville area… LET ME KNOW! PLEASE!

Oh and the 4th guy in my life… Oscar… our mascot!... yeah... he's a dog.... litterally.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Listening to "I Love You" by: Under The Influence Of Giants
OK. So last night my roommates, Wynnde, Andrea & I drove 10 hours to Pennville, LA to surprise some friends of ours. We drove 8 hours to a hotel in Monroe, LA and then the other 2 hours the next morning. This in itself is something you should be proud of me for! Cause I HATE to drive and I drive the entire 10 hours!!! GO! ME!

Caleb, Matt & Jonathan knew that we were going to be there but we wanted to make sure it was a surprise for the rest of our friends. So kudos to them for keeping the secret. YOU GUYS ROCK!

The night was pretty interesting. We rolled up at about 11:30am to the venue and then Eleventyseven showed up about 5 minutes later. Wynnde and I went out to meet up with them and to get the merch table set up... not very story worthy... just the three of us joking around with Matt a lot. Then Neverthless arrived and after a bit AJ was the first to make his way to the merch tables. I was helping Matt hang a sign and had my sunglasses on. AJ saw me and said he thought that I looked familiar but it took a few seconds AFTER I said "You better not walk past me" for him to realize exactly who I was.

AJ & I went backstage to say hey to the rest of the band and he had the idea of my not telling them who I was. He told me to tell them that I was their merch volunteer and that my name was Amanda.... yeah I walked up to Pearson and said "Hi I'm your merch girl, Stacey." I'm a dork what can I say. But it took him a second to realize it was me. So mission accomplished there. Wann & Rowe... it didn't take long for them to know it was me. Brad on the other hand... sadly Brad and I don't talk much so I basically had to go over to him and tell him it was me.

Then Jonathan told me he had a confession to make. Now Jonathan is NEVER as serious as he was right then so I sat down next to him and listened to his confession... now because I love Jonathan to death I'm not about to tell what he said. But just know... it's nothing bad. He just had a case of "mistaken identity" if you will along with Caleb. But hey it was a compliment to the person they thought was someone else.

Wynnde and I were supposed to run the merch table for Eleventyseven. She went to go watch some friends perform since she had a lot of friends there while I watched the table and then when she was around I took off to hang with Nevertheless. Surprise Surprise. I tried to split my friendship time up equally... but it's hard when you've known Nevertheless for as long as I have and Eleventyseven is backstage. But I tried.

The food was gross according to Pearson. So I was a little iffy to try it. It didn't look to appetizing. So Jonathan & Caleb took my car to Wal-Mart and then Wann, Pearson & AJ called and asked them to bring back something to eat... which of course is the greatest meal for a band of 5 20-something year old guys... lunchables. HAHAHA

I went to go watch Nevertheless' set. They of course did amazing. Only problem was the PA system sucked and you could hardly hear the vocals. Wann said he was sick on top of it but you couldn't tell while he was on stage. So kudos to Kung Fu Wann!

When dinner rolled around I figured I should check it out since we were in Louisiana and they had Gumbo, Jumbalia, & Crawfish... yeah you try being in the middle of Louisiana and not attempt to at least TRY them! Well I tried... Pearson ended up eating it since I didn't even touch it. AJ of course couldn't eat the Crawfish since it was a like a fettuchini Alfredo dealie. So I went to McDonald's to get he and I some REAL food. But not before AJ pulled me up on stage with he, Wann, Flatfoot56, Eleventyseven (who was performing) and a bunch of other bands that I didn't know for the last performance.

Personally... I didn't belong up there. I'm not in a band. I'm just a friend of some of the guys who are. So I stayed to the side of the stage and let everyone else have their fun. But AJ wanted me to stage dive with everyone else. YEAH RIGHT! HAS HE SEEN ME? I WOULD GET KILLED! But then again... look at him... and he wanted to! hahaha

Matt asked for the "choir" to come off the wings of the stage to have a sing along and Wann & AJ told me to join them. Umm thanks guys. But I'm cool on the side of the stage thanks. I guess my fear of the spotlight kicked in right about then. Plus... I didn't want the fans to think that because I was up there that they all could be too. That would have been even more chaos than it was.

Well that's not even the best part! There were guys that stole Jonathan's overhead mics and were screaming into them along with Caleb. When Caleb threw himself on the ground to spin one of the Flatfoot56 guys started spinning him by the foot like the Wheel of Fortune... Wheel... yeah. And then at the end of the song the "choir" as Matt called us started running off with Jonathan's drum kit. The great part is that Jonathan never missed a beat. He followed symbol until it was gone and then got up off of his stool and ran off after his snare STILL playing it! It was a hoot!

After the show NTL had to head back to Tennessee (10 hours remember) and Eleventyseven had to make a 14 hour trip to North Carolina. So we said good-bye after good-bye and then parted ways. :( But then Andrea, Wynnde and I met up with the guys from Decemberadio & Day Of Fire (minus a Josh Brown) at IHOP for some arm wrestling and some REALLY tired spilling of EVERYTHING Stacey had on her mind! Oh yeah.. and we had food too.

Well.. I'm back in Nashville now. Safe and sound... sort of. I'm exhausted. But it was well worth the trip. I wouldn't have traded that trip for... almost... anything.

More from the Music City soon.
- Stacey -

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I'M A STAR!... No really... I am!

listening to:.... umm..... nothing... that's odd!
Ok so incase I haven't already called or IM'd you...

I started work at the Hotel today. It was a lot of fun! We only had orientation today. But it was still a ton of fun! We took a small tour of Nashville and made a few important stops at the Grand Ole Opry, The Ryman & The Wildhorse Saloon.

So today ended up being QUITE the eventful day. With lunch at Rachel's inside the Hotel itself, Testing out some fried pickels at the Wild Horse Saloon, Line Dancing at the Wild Horse Saloon, Almost crushing a BMW & VW with our Bus at the Ryman, Touring the Grand Ole Opry, & Singing on stage at the Grand Ole Opry.



Little miss "WaYfm Stacey"... "Stacey Ree".... "Stacey Bob".... SANG! ON STAGE! AT THE GRAND.... OLE... OPRY!

Ok so it's not like I sang for an audience with the lights or anything. It was Happy Birthday and in a group. BUT STILL!


Ok I'm done now.

Just be proud of me and we'll call it good. hahaha

- Stacey -