Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, November 27, 2006

oh look! I posted!

Listening to: “Time” by: Nevertheless… yeah I know… Me? Listening to Nevertheless… like that ever happens! Hahahahaha
So for the past few weeks I’ve been going though my “I feel ugly” phase that y’all know I fall into now and then. Well this one was really bad for some reason. I’ve had some “Family issues” lately but I don’t think that was it. But then on top of it I’ve been really worn out from Old Navy, The hotel AND the band.

But one thing that really helped is that I went to see “my guys” last night. Stephanie (who moved into the house last Tuesday by the way) and I drove down to Chatty to go watch the Nevertheless guys. It was so great to see them! They were surprised (again) to see me for some reason.

Did they honestly think I wouldn’t have been there??? Insanity!

So yeah… we hung out with the guys (obviously), got some really great shot, got great videos, and then went to The Waffle House for the first time in my life.

It was interesting. We sat at 3 different tables… Katie, Wann, Brad & Megan at one. Pearson, Megan (another one), and two guys that I forgot their names at another. While Stephanie, Rowe, AJ and I shared the last one.

Yeah… lots of interesting conversations there… I mean it’s insanity enough when it’s AJ & I… or Rowe and I… or even AJ & Rowe… but you get the 3 of us together in the same conversation… yeah… insanity! But oh no! That wasn’t the half of it… because you get Stephanie and I in the same conversation and that’s a whole other story… but we had all 4 of us in one! That was… interesting… that’s all I have to say about that! Lol

But it was a great show! They played “False Starts” which they haven’t played in a really long time on stage cause someone wanted to hear it and… well… they could.

But the best part was when they did a “second encore” and played “O Child”. Yeah Leslie! You missed O’ Child!!! It was AWESOME! They had never played that on stage… EVER!!! I love that song! AND they played “Losing Innocence” AND my absolute favorite NTL song… “It’s Me” MAN I LOVE THAT SONG!!!

If you want to see pics and/or videos from last night check out my you tube and/or my photobucket. Ok I’m done now. :D

- Stacey -


Corey Patrick Miller said...

I am glad that you were able to do something that helped out with your dillema that you were having.

- And I shall have to check out some pics and videos tomorrow or something when I am not all tired and about to go to sleep >___>

- - I sent you a note on DA, but I will try and call you again sometime.