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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

ho hum

Listening to "Broken Man" by: Boys Like Girls
I really don't have anything to blog about. I'm just bored at work. Phones are dead. oh well.

oh hey! there IS something to talk about!

Yesterday was AJ's 21st birthday! Happy Birthday, AJ!

and today is Aaron's birthday! Happy Birthday, Aaron!

I went to Winter Jam with Stephanie and Brenda on Sunday... that was a hoot! Litterally! Well all but the part where we saw the smushed squirrel on the curb while FREEZING my little patootie off!!!

Then I had to work yesterday *smacks head into desk*

But then I got to see Hawk Nelson AGAIN today with my friend, Chris. She and I went to the taping of Hawk Nelson on GMC (Gospel Music Channel). Great show of course. And we sang Happy Birthday to Aaron.

I could have gone on stage since I had my Hawk Nelson Kazoo but I have stage frieght and there's no way you would have caught me up on that stage!

well i'm off to look at pics from today. -k- bye.

Oh and I met JD too. "IT'S JD!" tee hee *looks at Steph with an "inside joke" grin*

- Stacey -


Corey Patrick Miller said...

*hits you with a pillow*


Anonymous said...

watch the hitting your head on the desk. and thanks for telling us all about the smushed squirrel. j/k love you hun!!! i like corey's comment about hitting you with the pillow.