Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, March 26, 2007

"YOU are home to me..."

"Ever After You" by: Gabe Dixon Band

Ok so I am getting more and more anxious. I am going home for my birthday and I can't wait!!! This is going to be the BEST birthday EVER!

I will accept nothing less!

My track record hasn't been the best in the past and I am "breaking the spell"

I don't want any gifts for my birthday. I just want to spend it with my best friends and my family. And that my friends is EXACTLY what I am getting!

*stops and starts singing "Memory" by: Sugarcult*

Sorry about that. I just love that song. ANYWAY!... hmm... *taps fingers on desk*... yeah I got nothing I'm just SUPER geeked about seeing my way hot momma, my far more beautiful than I big sisters, my extremely beautiful neices, my super hot best friends... and... Corey... hahaha Sorry Corey all the rest are girls. hahaha

*winks and grrrs at Corey then dies laughing*

Love y'all! Miss y'all! See y'all soon!
- Stacey -


Natalie Jean said...

don't you worry, you will see me soon. and i am just as anxious to see you as you are to see me. it will be a great birthday. I LOVE YOU!!!

Corey Patrick Miller said...

Well I guess the fact that you winked and "grrr'd" at me makes up for the fact that you insinuated I was not super hot, which we all know is just simply not true :P

- Definitely looking forward to seeing you as well, but you are actually getting a gift from me, since you said I had to draw a pic for you. Maybe you should just make up your mind already. sheesh