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Thursday, July 26, 2007

I got nothing for a title sorry...

listening to: "Sunrise Goodbyes" by: Houston Calls

Well ok where do I start... I don't know what's going on in my life... Yep. That's where I'll start! This is the most chaotic my life has been in a long time. You know that saying "bad things happen in 3's? Well lets just say I've met my quota for the next 3 years.

Natalie's Grandpa died. Please keep her in your prayers. As well as the lady that flipped her car on the highway and was helped by some amazing friends of mine. While you're at it... keep those friends in your prayers too please. 3 out of the 5 of them ended up bleeding by the end of that same night with worry of a concussion.

And Natalie and I got into a bit of an accident that same night. We were on our way home from being the good friends we are and being there for those that needed us. The guy driving the other car fell asleep at the wheel and slammed into the back of us. We're both ok. Just a little shaken up. Basically it was a night for the books.

But I pray that it's all over now and things will only get better for all of us involved.

But mostly keep this one certain friend of ours in your prayers. He's the one who made the group pull over when the lady's car flipped and was the first one out to try and help her. He's also the one we were most worried had a concussion. Even before his incident you could tell he was really shaken up. Watching that Lady's car flip and seeing her in the state she was in really got to him. He's the one Nat and I are most concerned about.

WE LOVE YOU BUDDY! And just remember just like you told Nat and I... "Everything's going to be ok. It'll get better." and you're in our prayers. :)

- Stacey -