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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The New WaYfm Morning Show - Day 1

listening to: "Far Away" by: Nickelback
Day 1 is done. Like every first there were some trip ups. But Mike & I survived. We did ok from the feedback we've gotten so far. I'm just tired is all.

I knew I shouldn't have stayed up so late. lol

But I finally watched 3 movies I've been wanting to watch for a while now. The Nanny Diaries, 300, & The Invisible.

The Nanny Dairies:
It was cute. I may own it one day. Still not sure. It wasn't as funny as I thought it was going to be. So that was a bit of a let down.

Horrible. I didn't like anything about it. VERY disappointed!

The Invisible:
Great movie! FAR better than I expected! The end was a bit cheesy. But it happens. I WILL own it one day! I would have to say it would be one of my favorite movies! And there are NOT many of those around... COREY! lol

"live long and prosper"... that's Star Wars right?.....
- Stacey Ree -


Corey Patrick Miller said...

Nope . . . that's actually from Star Trek.

- I am glad to hear that it seems that your first day was at least ok. I am sure that, like most things, it will get much easier and better with time. It's also nice to see that you are able to keep your favorite movies down to a reasonable number lol

p.s. Get some sleep.

Anonymous said...

oh man tell me you did NOT end this with a star wars quote...NERD ALERT?

Stacey Ree said...

honestly. I have only seen 1 Star Wars movie so I didn't even know that was one. :p