Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, March 03, 2008

Trusting In The Lord and His Plan

Listening to: "If I Am" by: Nine Days
Ok God! I hear You! I understand that I need to have patience!

Wow! The words to this song really are a "God brick" as Nat calls it. :)

I mean look at the words... right off the bat God threw one of his "God bricks" to the back of my head to get my attention...

"So you're standing on a ledge
it looks like you might fall
so far down
or maybe you
were thinking about jumpin'
but you could have it all
if you learned a little patience
"... so give me a little credit
have in me a little faith
I wanna be with you forever
but tomorrow's not too late..."


Yeah! Didn't see that one coming. That's gonna leave a mark!

No. I'm not about to literally go "jump" of a cliff. But I was running hear first to dive off the edge and plunge in the metaphorical waters below. I want it all so badly that I couldn't see that I was taking someone else over the edge with me.

I was being selfish.

I'm not hurt, depressed or even sad for that matter. This happens to be one of my "happy" songs.

Now I know why. :D

Thank you, Lord of Heaven and Earth for reminding me that it takes patience and it's all worth waiting for.

*pushes repeat for the 4th time... so far... and starts singing & dancing around her bedroom*
- Stacey Ree -

Saturday, March 01, 2008

I called your name today... but you never called back...

listening to: silence
For the first time ever I am proud to say that AJ is totally behind me! I woke up today and suddenly it hit me. I'm totally over him. I don't think about him nearly as much as I used to. I'm no longer angry. I'm no longer sad. I'm just past that part of my life.

You know the strangest part of it... Brittany posted pictures from her birthday party and as I looked at them I couldn't figure out exactly what I liked about him. Then I started thinking about how 1 year ago I was crying over him. PSHT! FORGET THAT! I was crying over him last week! hahaha

But not anymore. AJ is now tucked away in a memory. I like our friendship. But I'm glad to say that's all it will ever be from this moment on. I have completely let him go.

I'm not afraid to admit... I'm proud of myself!
- Stacey Ree -