Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, March 03, 2008

Trusting In The Lord and His Plan

Listening to: "If I Am" by: Nine Days
Ok God! I hear You! I understand that I need to have patience!

Wow! The words to this song really are a "God brick" as Nat calls it. :)

I mean look at the words... right off the bat God threw one of his "God bricks" to the back of my head to get my attention...

"So you're standing on a ledge
it looks like you might fall
so far down
or maybe you
were thinking about jumpin'
but you could have it all
if you learned a little patience
"... so give me a little credit
have in me a little faith
I wanna be with you forever
but tomorrow's not too late..."


Yeah! Didn't see that one coming. That's gonna leave a mark!

No. I'm not about to literally go "jump" of a cliff. But I was running hear first to dive off the edge and plunge in the metaphorical waters below. I want it all so badly that I couldn't see that I was taking someone else over the edge with me.

I was being selfish.

I'm not hurt, depressed or even sad for that matter. This happens to be one of my "happy" songs.

Now I know why. :D

Thank you, Lord of Heaven and Earth for reminding me that it takes patience and it's all worth waiting for.

*pushes repeat for the 4th time... so far... and starts singing & dancing around her bedroom*
- Stacey Ree -