Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, July 14, 2008

best friends day...

listening to: The Myriad "A Thousand Winters Melting"

Thursday, July 10, 2008

WaYfm Sticker Stop Blog...

listening to: "Is It Considered Progression If A Cannibal Uses A Fork" by: Chiodos

Sunday, July 06, 2008

in time of sorrow...

listening to: "Sad To See" by: Philos

Have you ever been in a situation when things are looking up for you and you're on top of the world. But then at the same time someone very close to you is falling apart and there's nothing you can do to help them. You give them advice. You're there when they cry. You take them out to distract their thoughts. But at the end of the day they crawl back into a whole and cry and all you can do is watch.

To this friend. You know who you are...

I wish I could do more. If I had super powers I would "slay the dragon" that hurt you... I would send you home... even for a short while... I would make it all go away...

But all I can do is to be there for you. Answer the phone when you call. Crack a joke (of course a really bad one lol) when you need to smile.

Just know that I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. And I would do everything in my mortal power to make you feel better through this.

Just remember my favorite verse... Luke 1:37... "For nothing is impossible with God."

Keep him in your heart. And you'll pull through this. God will take care of you.

I love you.
- Stacey Ree -

p.s.... I FOUND MY CHEESE!!!! It's yummy... I'm gonna go eat some now... -k- bye...

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!

listening to: "Brand New Day" by: Fireflight

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


listening to: commercials on some random AC radio station the girls are listening to... they should have on WaYfm! We're commercial FREE!! lol


I'm dissapointed in myself. When things are coming at me and it seems all I can do is call on God. I do. But when things go my way, I forget to thanks God for the blessings He has given me. I should be thanking Him everyday. I can walk. I can talk. I have an amazing family and group of friends. I am surrounded by people who love me. I have a great job that I love. A roommate I get along with. I'm sorry, Lord. I'm sorry for not giving You the praise You deserve. I don't know why I always do this. Even as I sit here and write this with my little pen and pad of paper, I find myself coloring in the words at the bottom of the page. I know I'm in no way the model Christian. But I want to be. I need Your help, Lord. For the first time in a long time the winds are in my favor and I am doing nothing but longing to praise You for it all. Thank you, Lord... for everything.


- Stacey -