Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 08....

listening to: Chris Lemke at our sister station W*BEEP* (lol inside joke) playing Brandon Heath's "Give Me Your Eyes" so loud that if we had the mics on right now our listeners could hear it.
So Nick and I took a trip back to IL to visit his family. This time for Christmas. And let me tell you it was one of the 3 coldest times of my entire life!!!!

It was like 14 here and -2 there! For real!!!!! I had on at least 6 blankets every night... one was a thermal sleeping bag, one a down filled comforter and one being a heated blanket (which I made Nick use the last 2 nights since he insisted on sleeping on the couch instead of the air mattress his mom made up for him. And with only a throw pillow... and somehow I'M the one that got sick).

The coldest by far was when I was at recording school and the electricity went out... yeah... we had ELECTRIC heat and it is was January in the middle of nowhere!!! SO! COLD!

The third... the night before last when the electricity went out at my apartment. Not as cold. but MAN it was pretty chilly!! Thanks wind storm!!!

So now I have a cold. fun.

But I got my hair cut off!!! I'm not even kidding. It's now the shortest it's EVER been. I have pictures... I just have to swipe them from Nick. So I'll post them in a day or so...

have fun y'all... and I leave you with a video courtesy of Zach the soon-to-be-not-the-intern-anymore...


- Stacey Ree-

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Notable videos....

listening to: "Outstretched Hands" by: Starfield

ok so everyday Derek and I get a picture of the day and a video of the day. I'm gonna start posting the really good ones... like these...

*dies laughing*

*tries to breathe* wait... it... gets... better...

*dies laughing again*

ok here's a really cool one...

and a super adorable cat...

enjoy y'all!!! i'll post more as we get them..
-stacey ree-

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


listening to: "When I Get Home, You're So Dead" by: Mayday Parade

So I'm all sorts of geeked!!! See...

I just got my passport in the mail. I've always wanted to travel and now I can.. so my list of places to go before I die is rapidly growing... 

and this is the scary part...

first on the list now is.... wait for it....


Yeah. You read that right. Canada... as in... Canada.... Who honestly is all like... Hey I REALLY wanna go to Canada? ME! I've grown up just hours from the Canadian borders and I've never been. I wanna go. So I'm gonna. I don't care if it's just me and I cross the border and turn right back around... or if someone else goes too... or if I take a car load and make a weekend out of it. 

- Stacey -

ps.... yes... you can worry and start praying for me... I may have lost my mind after all... let me know if you find it. 

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

blah blah blah... yak yak yak... lol

listening to: "You Had Me" by: Joss Stone

I'm bored so y'all get a survey dealie thing my friend Sara did today... 

1. Do you like anyone?: yep
2. Do they know it? yep
3. Simple or complicated? my "crush" it's pretty simple i guess cause he likes me back

IN - T H E - L A S T - M O N T H - H A V E - Y O U

4. Had sex: nope. Abstinence baby!
5. Bought something: yep

6. Gotten sick?: yep
7. Been hugged?: yep
8. Felt stupid?: yep
9. Talked to an ex: nope
10. Missed someone: yep
11. Failed a test: nope
13. Danced: yep
14. Gotten your hair cut?: nope
15. Lied: nope


16. Nervous habits?: i tap my fingers and bounce my leg a lot... oh and I do this "broken ankles" thing EVERY TIME!!!
17. Are you double jointed? Nope
18. Can you roll your tongue? yep
19. Can you raise one eyebrow?: not very well
20. Can you cross your eyes?: yep
21. Do you make your bed daily?: no but i should
22. Do you think you are unique?: very much so


23. Said "I Love you": yep
24. Given money to a homeless person: not that I can think of
25. Smoked?: no
26. Waited all night for a phone call?: yep
27. Snuck out?: lol kinda
28. Sat and looked at the stars?: yep


30. Do you ever spit?: ew no! that's one of my pet peeves!
31. You cook your own food?: yeah... well except when Nick does...
32. You do your own chores? yeah... part of living on your own
33. You like beef jerky: yep
34. Are you happy with your life? some times. 
36. You own a dog?: no but I want one
37. You spend your money wisely?: mostly
38. Do you like to swim?: yeah
39. When you get bored do you call a friend? not really


41. Flowers or angels?: ???????????? those two aren't even close!!!! but i guess angels...
42. Gray or black?: Black
43. Color or black and white photos?: both
44. Lust or love?: love
45. Sunrise or sunset?: both. but i see far more sunrises than sunsets
46. M&Ms or Skittles?: skittles... like i'd choose the chocolate!!! yuck!!!
48. Staying up late or waking up early?: i wake up early 5 days a week... i wanna sleep in!!!
49. Being hot or cold?: hot!
50. Winter or Fall?: fall
51. Left or right?: right
52. Having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends?: *shrugs* i like both
53. Sunshine or rain?: both


54.Slept in a bed with the opposite sex?: does a couch count? I'm sure my cousin and I have taken naps together when we were younger
55.Hooked up in the woods? no
56.Drank a bottle of alcohol by yourself?: yes and I will never do that again! Alcohol is bad for you!
57.Hooked up in the shower?: no
59.Stolen money from a friend? no
60.Slept naked?: yes... it's called pre-birth... you don't just come out in head to toe gucci ya know!
61.Been in a fist fight?: kinda
62.Snuck out of your house?: kinda... wait... didn't you already ask that?
63.Had a crush on a teacher?: yep. Mr. See!!!
64.Seen someone die? yes
65.Been on an airplane? yep
66.Slept all day?: only once... i think...
67.Missed someone so much it hurt?: yep
68.Fallen asleep during school? nope
69.Been lonely?: yep
70.Cheated in a game?: nope
71.Been to the ER?: nope... though i should've MANY times...
74.Missed your first love?: i honestly never really knew what love was until now... but yes I have missed the guy i thought was my first love and i currently miss the guy who really IS my first love. 
75.Cried yourself to sleep?: yep
76.Sung in the shower?: yep
77.Kissed a complete stranger: nope
78.Laughed so hard you cried? yep
79.Cheated on a bf/gf: nope!
80.Regretted hurting someone?: yep
81.Regretted loving someone?: yep
81.Been SUPER happy? yep

1) Crushin', Interested, or in a Relationship? VERY taken!!! :D

2) How's your mood? Sedate. 

3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast: Yes I did... but I fought it. Until he told me to just let go and trust in him and to trust in God. 

4) Have you ever had your heart broken? yep. 

5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is acceptable? NO! NEVER!!!

6) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? I HIGHLY doubt it! Luckily the only one that I know ever did I had broken up with before I found out. So that was over already!

7) Have you talked about marriage with another person? yep.

11) If somebody liked you right now, what do you think a cool way to let you know would be?  :D He tells me daily... actually i should say hourly. :D honestly i just love how he didn't hold back. I hate games. 

12) Do you enjoy playing hard to get? no

13) Be honest, do you play the "game" when you are dating? I guess not since I don't know what "game" you're talking about.

14) Do you believe in love at first sight? yes and no. I believe God puts something in your heart when you see that person. But it's what you do with it after that, that turns into love. 

15) Are you romantic? *shrugs* not that I know of. 

16) Do you believe that you can change someone? I don't want to change anyone. God made them the way they are for a reason. Only God and the person can change them. They're the only ones that should. 

17) If you could get married anywhere, money not an object? *shrugs* Honestly... it depends on where we live at the time, what time of year it is, and what he has to say about it. It's not just about the bride. that's one thing about weddings that drives me nuts! there are TWO people getting married!!!!

18) How's the weather? cloudy. cold. and about to snow again.

19) Do you think going back to an ex is a smart move? it depends on the person and the ex. for me? no. happy where I am thanks. :D

20) Do you have feelings for someone right now, whether they know or not? yes. and yes he knows. at least he better! lol

21) Have you ever wished you could've had someone but you messed it up? i used to

22.) Have you broken a heart? a few. not my happiest moments. 

23.)What would you do if you found your bf/gf with another person in bed?  I would be TOTALY devastated! Luckily I know i can trust him to not do that. 

1. Male Friend: other than the obvious (Nick), Corey
2. Female friend: Leslie
3. Vacation: so far? Myrtle Beach, SC
4. Memory: seeing Nick for the first time in over a year and hearing him say my name to make sure it was me before I ever saw him. 

1. Time of day: 4:30 am
2. Day of the week: Tuesdays
3. Food: Chocolate
4. Memory: finding out Matt died. 

1. Person you saw: Derek
2. Talked to on the phone: Nick
3. Run in with an ex: a few weeks ago at the place we both used to work/
4. Person you messaged over facebook: Mike
5. IM'd: Nick
6. Texted: Sara

1. What are you doing right now: this and listening to music
2. Wearing? pajama pants, t-shirt and hoodie
3. Better than yesterday? i cleaned a lot... so i guess so... cause my apartment needed it!!
4. Did you see the person you like? nope. i mean i saw a picture... but no. not today.

1. Is: thursday
2. Got any plans: working all day. 
3. Dislikes about tomorrow: working all day. 

1. Number: 4
2. Song: oh man... of all time???? I guess "The Christmas Song" by: Nat King Cole

1. Missing someone: yeah
2. Mood: *shrugs* could be better. could be worse.
3. Wanting: to finish this so I can put clean sheets on my bed and start dinner

True or False

I am a morning person: true
I am an only child: false
I am currently in my PJ's: true
I am currently suffering from a broken heart: false
I can be paranoid at times: true
I currently regret something that I have done: false
I curse frequently: false
I enjoy country music: true
I enjoy hip hop: false
I enjoy techno/trance: false
I enjoy talking on the phone: *shrugs* false?
I have a hidden talent: true
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal: true
I have all my grandparents: false
I have at least one brother and/or sister: true
I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor: true
I have changed a diaper: true
I have changed a lot over the past year: true
I have done something illegal: false
I have had major/minor surgery: false
I have had my hair cut within the last 2 months: true
I have had the cops called on me: false

-Single or Taken: TAKEN!!! :D
-Eye color: hazel-brown
-Height: 5'3"
-Righty or lefty: righty
-Can you make a dollar in change right now? i use debt 
-Musical talents: I'm told I'm a good singer... wether it's true or not is a different story...
-Can be a good bf/gf: I try

Kind of jeans: not many fit right so I guess my Aeropostale ones
Weather: spring... right on the edge of summer... when it could storm but it's a warm storm. :D
Animal: monkey
Drink: water
Month: april
Juice: apple

1) If you married the last person you kissed what would your last name be? :D I hope one day I get to marry him... West. :D
2) What did you do this afternoon? cleaned my apartment and did laundry
4) Whats the last thing to make you laugh? Zach this morning talking about 5 onion rings in stead of 5 golden rings in the 12 Days of Christmas. 
5) Can you take a bra off with one hand? don't think I've ever tried
6) Can you use chopsticks? yes... just not sure it's the right way.
7) How old were you when you lost your first tooth? 6 I think
8) Were you a hyper or mellow kid?  STILL hyper
9) Why did you throw up last? i don't remember
10) Last time you were drunk? I don't drink
11) What's for dinner? I'm thinking Chicken Carbarnara
12) Ever been to the Statue of Liberty? nope
13) Voting for Hillary? no
14) How many e-mail addresses do you have? like 6 but i only use 3.. two for work
15) Do you HAVE to have brand name stuff? some
16) Last time you washed your hair? yesterday. will again in about an hour
17) Is the last person you kissed attractive? OF COURSE!!! He's the best looking guy EVER!!!!
18) Do you like Oreos? yuck! No!
19) Do you send out thank-you cards? no but I should
20) Can you ice skate? never tried
21) Do you have a brother? no
22) Do you know how to change a diaper? yeah
23) do you flip people off while driving? no
24) What color is your car? red
25) What are you listening to? copeland
27) Who's your favorite American Idol judge? i don't watch tv
28) Do you like to grocery shop? not really
29) What kind of mood are you in? hurt right now... mom just called about some lady that stole a vehicle full of toys from the Salvation Army Angel Tree. Those poor kids. :( I used to be one of them and so I know how likely it is that if they don't get those gifts they might not get anything. :(
30) Last time you cleaned? just before i started this...
31) What is the last song you listened to? "Love Story" by: Taylor Swift
32) What pills do you take daily, and what do they do? i don't take any. But I'm supposed to take vitamins. 
33) Do you like anyone? UGH! HOW MANY TIME ARE YOU GONNA ASK???? YES I DO!!!!
34) Do you do your own laundry? -- yes
35) How many people have you kissed in 2008 & who we're they? -- two, jimm and tyler.
37) Baths or showers? showers
38) Do you take out the trash? sometimes
39) What are you doing this weekend? have a family get together
40) Are you getting engaged anytime soon? um... that's up to him... it's whenever he wants to ask. I'm not putting a time limit on him.
41) Paper or Plastic? plastic
42) Do you watch "The Hills"? don't watch tv
43) Last CD you played? some single i had to listen to for work
44) What did you do last Saturday night? read
45) What are you thinking about right now? wanting to go watch the news to see if there's any news about this lady that stole those presents
46) Which one of your friends is going to have the cutest baby? oh man... I don't know it's hard to compete with my nieces. Not to mention Ayden is pretty darn cute!
47) What was the last thing you drank? water
48) Wearing any bracelets? yes
49) Last thing someone bought for you? heating blanket and a winter jacket
50) What are you going to do now? go watch the news while I make dinner.

And that's FINALLY over... sorry I did that... I don't think I'll ever do that again! lol
- Stacey Ree -

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Muddy Waters...

listening to: honestly... right now... nothing... ok well people talking... does that count?

So last night I had kind of a "bad dream" seems like one of many lately. I just got some bad news yesterday and so I think that had a lot to do with it. I was getting down and pretty worried about things. But I think it showed me that I was "muddying up the waters" so I couldn't hear God's voice. I couldn't hear him speak to me when I was trying to listen so hard. Or at least I thought I was trying. I think that maybe I was afraid of what He was trying to tell me.

It took one of his many "God Bricks" to finally open my eyes. We talked about whispers from God on Sunday during church. But I just wasn't getting it. He had to go another route... yet again to finally get through to me.

He decided to use one of my oldest friends, Kevin. In this "dream" Kevin was arrested for attempted murder. And that's not anything Kevin would EVER be capable of. TRUST ME! I think I pushed him a few times over the 20 odd years we've known each other. And he never broke.

So this morning I woke up and God threw His God brick at my head, screaming "ARE YOU LISTENING NOW?????"

Yes, Lord. I think I am. Or at least this time I'm honestly trying.

I'm gonna try to "clean up the muck" in the waters of my mind. But I know I can't do it alone. I need someone to hold me to it. To make sure I don't falter and stumble along the way. I need prayer.

- Stacey Ree -