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Friday, August 28, 2009

it's over...

listening to: my fan being loud...

Now before i get started... don't get any ideas. Nick and I didn't break up. We're not planning to. And I don't have some crazed fan that's being loud. It's a literal fan that's just loud and I am officially moving. Last day at the station was tonight and I'm packing up my & Nick's cars (along with a U-Haul trailer Nick rented) and moving south. I'M GOING HOME!!!!!!

I'm so excited to be able to be in my own apartment again, be able to see all of my friends that I haven't seen in a long time, Chick-fil-a, and fried pickles!!!!!! Those are the FIRST things on my list!!!! It's gonna be a welcomed journey into the next chapter of the story God has written for me. I just hope I live up to the character He has created. :)

- Stacey -


Natalie Jean said...

I do not think it is about living up to the character that God ahs created. I think it is about letting him work in you so you can become the person he longs for you to be. :) and I know that you can do that. this move is going to be a good thing for you. keep your chin up. and remember, you were created beautifully in Christ, and he loves you as you are.

Rine said...

NOOOOOOO!!!!! No more Stacy time at night!!!!!!! Although, I'm glad you're happy...