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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

At A Wedding Stand Still *sigh*

Watching: Rachel Ray

So went to the bridal expo here in town the other afternoon with my friend Cathy. I have to say I thought the vendors were gonna be a lot more pushy that most of them were. Not to mention i thought it was going to be a lot bigger and a lot more packed than it was. But we decided to go a little later so that we the "bridezillas" that had to be there when the doors opened would hopefully be gone. I'm pretty sure it was a smart idea cause there weren't many that I saw.

Well one good thing that came out of all of the mounds of cake we ate is that it looks like Nick and I won a short honeymoon! It's not where Nick was eyeing but hey free is always good. But we have to do like an hour of eating kinda thing tonight so we'll see if it's real or not.

We've looked at a few places for the wedding/reception but nothing so far is like "WE HAVE TO HAVE IT HERE!" so we're gonna go look at another place hopefully tomorrow and maybe get settled on one soon. So needless to say that we can't really plan a whole lot more right now since we don't have a venue. oh well. one thing at a time.

Well on a good note I'm gonna be an aunt... kinda.. Anisa & Chrystal are both having a baby as you already... BUT I'm finally getting a Nephew! Chrystal is having a little boy! I'm so excited! I've got the niece scene down. Not that i wouldn't mind another one. I'm a pro at it now. But I wanna be able to spoil at least one boy since I spoil the girls whenever i can. lol

ok time to get ready for work. :D
-Stacey Ree-

ps... "jerk".... who are you?????????