Wedding Countdown Ticker

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

tears of a bride...

listening to: myself typing...

I finally broke down. The stress of planning a wedding primarily alone has finally taken it's toll on me. I cried. hard. a lot. over the past few days. I think what finally gave me that shove over the edge of the cliff was that after a day out with my friend, Micki. I tried on my dress. I had bought an "accessory" for it and wanted to see how it looked. But when I put it on it wouldn't zip up.

every bride's worst nightmare... ok one of the largest... is that her dress won't fit. I took the dress off feeling defeated and hung it back up. then went back into the living room only to be confronted with a V8 commercial where a bride simply drinks a V8 and miraculously her dress zips up all the way. I fell over into a puddle. it wasn't pretty. I couldn't even think about it without crying for a few days. My poor sisters, mom & Nick had to deal with my sobbing for the majority of the time.

Now i will admit it wasn't extremely bad. but i need to loose 5 - 10 lbs in order for it to fit again. I've been wanting to start eating right and working out again. this actually was a blessing in disguise. not the kind i would wish on any bride but a blessing nonetheless. I've been a lot more active and actually trying to eat better instead of just saying i'm going to.

i only hope it works. i'm walking down that isle december 18th. with or without that dress. i just prefer with the dress. that's a major part of what every girl dreams about is the dress. i don't want to miss that of mine.

- Stacey Ree -