Wedding Countdown Ticker

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

tears of a bride...

listening to: myself typing...

I finally broke down. The stress of planning a wedding primarily alone has finally taken it's toll on me. I cried. hard. a lot. over the past few days. I think what finally gave me that shove over the edge of the cliff was that after a day out with my friend, Micki. I tried on my dress. I had bought an "accessory" for it and wanted to see how it looked. But when I put it on it wouldn't zip up.

every bride's worst nightmare... ok one of the largest... is that her dress won't fit. I took the dress off feeling defeated and hung it back up. then went back into the living room only to be confronted with a V8 commercial where a bride simply drinks a V8 and miraculously her dress zips up all the way. I fell over into a puddle. it wasn't pretty. I couldn't even think about it without crying for a few days. My poor sisters, mom & Nick had to deal with my sobbing for the majority of the time.

Now i will admit it wasn't extremely bad. but i need to loose 5 - 10 lbs in order for it to fit again. I've been wanting to start eating right and working out again. this actually was a blessing in disguise. not the kind i would wish on any bride but a blessing nonetheless. I've been a lot more active and actually trying to eat better instead of just saying i'm going to.

i only hope it works. i'm walking down that isle december 18th. with or without that dress. i just prefer with the dress. that's a major part of what every girl dreams about is the dress. i don't want to miss that of mine.

- Stacey Ree -


Anonymous said...

Went through the same thing with Steph and she did it so can you. Wish you guys were closer so we could help do something for the wedding. It will be ok hang in there.


Anonymous said...

satan is doing his best to ruin your special day. tell him where he belongs, which according to the word of God is under your feet. i will pray for you....--nate mercer-- from battle creek mi