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Thursday, October 21, 2004

I was afraid!

Oh man... tonight one of the best and one of the worst things happened...

I was out in the Garden Center at work and was putting clearance backpacks into shopping carts from a huge yellow bin so I could actually get them through the door and to the back room. Well anyway... as I was reaching in to grab a bunch i noticed there was some sort of like... skin to be blunt. And first thing I thought was SNAKE! And anyone who knows me knows i hate snakes so I ran and of course screamed "THERE'S A SNAKE SKIN IN THERE AND I'M NOT TOUCHING IT!" Not really knowing what it was that I touched. So Tim and some guy from hardware went to check it out... sure enough... snake skin. *shudders* I was freaking out. I'm not kidding I was so scared that I refused to touch the bin of backpacks and I was litterally in tears.

God Bless... Stacey