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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

In The Name Of Love

Well I went to another concert for the on the 10th. This time it was the In The Name Of Love Tour with Todd Agnew, Barlow Girl, Building 429 & Starfield.

We had such a blast hanging out with the bands. Starfield... WAY funny. Barlow Girl... They have the most adorable Neice & Nephew! Building 429 didn't really hang out with us all too much but what they did was cool... one was rubbing the back of my head when I was going to get a picture with them and none of them would say who it was. Sorry It's still something that I wish I knew. Todd Agnew was barefoot... but I guess that's not out of the ordinary.

I met David Nasser first though. He was the guest speaker and man was he funny! He came up to me first and I had no idea who he was and he started to do liners for me. I could hardly contain ourselves. Trust me... if you ever want to see a comedian... Go see him!

I spent the most time with Starfield... Shaun to be exact. Jon & John hung out with me a lot but Shaun at some points actually sought us out when we didn't notice he was there... for instance... I were leaving and in the dark, across the parking lot we heard "BYE!" It was Shaun of course. He's a great guy. John sat down at the table I was sitting at and was like "This pumpkin needs to be drawn on" So he did. Then Jon (on of the guitar players and back up vocalist) was like addicted to the crosants that were there backstage and I think it was Jon that called me Tina Faye. I still have no idea who that is. But they (meaning John, Jon & Shaun) nearly had a heart attack when I said I had no clue who she was.

I must have sounded stupid when they told me she was a girl from SNL. I don't know... I don't watch tv. Then we got into talking about Hockey (HUGE into Hockey) and they're Canadian so that's a good thing to talk about with them I guess. Then Shaun & I were discussing Soccer. Apparently he plays. Soccer's my favorite sport so I got into that conversation. That was about the time Tim (the lead singer) joined in and asked me who may favorite player was (David Beckham) and who he plays for. Hey I was honest. I knew he USED to play for MAN U. but had no idea who he played for now. Now I know... Tim told me. But yeah Shaun & I weren't REALLY going to have it out when he said he was a MAN U fan (I Love Leeds!). But it was fun to act like we were.

anyway.... All in all it was a good night. I had fun. I laughed. I got my head rubbed by myserious Building 429 members. But the fact that I went home with a smile on my face and God in my heart... that's all that matters right?

Until Next Time...- Stacey