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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Emberlight

Last night I got a call from my good friend, Andy saying to get to to a show in GR... one small problem... The Emberlight went on in 45 minutes and it takes Leslie 30 minutes to get to my house and 40 minutes for me to get to GR.

But we made it for a least one song!

I promised I'd post some pictures so here ya go.

That's Andy in the green jacket - Jeff in the gray t-shirt

This is my good buddy, Scott who plays drums for The Emberlight... hahaha he ONLY referes to me as "WaYfm Stacey" cause of my Myspace name hahahaha
One of the girlfriends... my friend, Lauren (pictured with Jeff) & my new friend, Anna (pictured with Andy). HOW CUTE ARE THEY?!?

OH! and just so you know how crazy my family is...

Oh yes... Leslie and I are crazy ones! hahahaha. It's a classic family trait!
But Leslie does have her adorable moments
And no family photo blog would be complete with out one of the "adopted" cousins... I love ya Rachel!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Losing touch...

Listening to: "Weak" by: JoJo
You ever have one of those days where you just sit back and let everything sink in?

I'm having one of those days. I'm just sitting out on my porch listening to music... Surfing the web... Reading my book... And letting the things I've been avoiding become abundantly clear to me.

For instance... A friend of mine and I are drifting apart. We both have had the "is she mad at me?" talks with a mutual friend of ours. But it doesn't seem to help. I've asked if she's wanted to hang out. But I get the "I have to work." (Which I 100% understand)... Or something else... "I have to see what mom has planned." "I was gonna talk to my boyfriend." That sort of thing. It's always sad when two people lose touch... It's even worse when they're really close. I don't want to lose her friendship. It's been my support through more than I can explain. It's apparent that neither one of us wants to let this go... If we didn't we wouldn't care if the other was mad or not.

On another (more positive) note. I have a crush... I know surprise surprise. But this guy doesn't have a girlfriend he has failed to mention... He doesn't want to be... Um... "Friends"... He's actually someone I know cares about being my friend. In fact 2 of my good friends have mentioned me to him and they said he got all excited and made sure to send a hug or a "hello" and told them how he thought I was 'awesome'...

This is a guy that I've actually had a crush on since I met him almost a year ago. It was one of those "I like him but I'm going to fight it because of another guy" things. When I met him I had a boyfriend... That isn't healthy in ANY situation. Then that ended and I dated another guy.... So when that ended I thought "he has to have a girl friend... Someone like him couldn't be single."

Well much to my surprise... I let go of one crush... Then another one... Then this guy that I had been "fighting" had come back into my life... Even though he was never really "gone". I got a call from a friend of mine who had just talked to him he had to pass along the "hello" and such... Then I got ANOTHER call from another friend who had also just talked to him on another day... She wanted to let me know about seeing him and such... The crush was no longer something I could fight.

There are no boyfriends... No other crushes... Only him.

I don't know what I'm going to do if I get shot down again. I don't mean anything rash... I just mean I'm friends with this guy. I mean I don't want my crush on him to ruin our friendship. Not to mention I'm about to go see him again here in a bit and I don't want it to be all awkward... You know. But from what I hear about how he acts when I'm not around the possibilities of that are slim.

I'll let you know how it goes.

- Stacey -

Monday, May 22, 2006

Land of Evil Printers

Listening to: "Supersonic" by: Family Force 5
Ok for those of you that like Family Force 5 you usually listen to them either cause you're in a good mood or to make you be in one right?

For those of you that don't listen to them... Give it time I WILL have you addicted! And if I don't... Natalie, Leslie or Wynnde will.... Either way... You cannot escape the love that is Family Force 5.

Anyway... So yeah you usually listen to them cause they're awesome and it makes you happy... Nope. Not me. Not right now. I'm literally listening to them to CHILL OUT! hahaha you don't listen to them to chill out. This is not 'chill out' music. But I am.

Why? Well in a nut shell.. WCSG is out to get me. I just know it! And everyone is using the WCSG printers as the main tool to making me finally take that last step of utter and complete insanity. I was literally yelling at one of them earlier. If that one wasn't printing my envelopes upside down then it was printing them on the BACK of the envelope. And it wouldn't print from the trays it was supposed to...

Heck no that would be WAY to easy. Nope instead I had to switch paper to envelopes literally with EVERY printing job. And then I was trying to print to another printer cause I have officially decided I hate the other one...

So then that one ate my stack of envelopes at once and then decided to print at the previous printer...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *Starts twitching and stuttering*

don't bother calling 9-1-1... She's beyond help!

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Listening to: "Take Away" by: Mainstay
Hey look I'm updating! Be proud! hahaha

Ok so what is the greatest thing in the world to wake up to at 1:30am????

I'll give you a hint...

It has something to do with a friend named Wynnde calling you and saying "I have someone that wants to talk to you" and it turning out to be one of the greatest men in Christian Music... Andy Rosco from The Emberlight!

You figured it out yet? ;)

So yeah. The Emberlight is on tour right now in the Ohio area mostly so I haven't talked to Andy in a little while cause he's so busy. But yeah it was so good to hear from him. I miss him! Andy's the greatest! *thinking to herself* I wonder if he wore his green shoes... hmmm...

ok to bed I go... again... lol... night!
- Stacey -

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Today is the day!

so I hope all of you went out and picked up your copies of "Eleventyseven And The Land Of Fake Beleive" and "Beauty In The Broken". Both were released today! *does a happy dance*

I've been waiting since November... *tries to recalculate in her mind*... oh I don't remember... whenever the Starfield cd was supposed to originally be out. The street date got pushed back so many times that I lost track. But it's been a while. And now it's out and everyone can share in the joy that is Starfield.

Not to mention. My dear friends, Eleventyseven have put out thier debut cd on flicker records as well.

my 2 favorite bands putting out a cd on the same day... what more could I ask for... Nat, Leslie, Chad & Wynnde... don't answer that. hahahaha

- Spaztic Monkey... or whatever my new nickname is today... hahaha *looks at Nat* PHONE BOOK! hahahahaha -

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Indiana trip

Listening to: "Myspace" by: Eleventyseven
Ok so this was QUITE the weekend. For those of you reading that were there... you know what I mean.

First of all I need to mention that on the way down to Indiana Nat and I happened upon the RV Hall of Fame. Yeah cause apparently RVs need one. Explain that!

So yeah Eleventyseven has officially taken their rightful title as my favorite band. Yeah you read that right. They have surpassed the unbeatable... Starfield.

Being around Matt, Jonathan & Caleb this weekend has made me respect them in a whole new way. I see them in a different light now. No I don't mean the stage lighting was different... though it was... I have honestly become friends for life with them. They truly are 3 amazing guys.

I found this Ninja turtle a while back and when I saw it – it reminded me of Jonathan since he had a Ninja Turtles patch on his backpack when we met them. So I gave it to him… well you’ll see in a later blog the story behind this picture….
and of course... this one...
poor turtle! hahaha

Then Matt had to go and break my heart. No… not like I liked him or something… the guy has a girlfriend… trust me she’s beautiful! I’ve seen pictures. No he was being Matt and joking around. There was one thing he said that I just looked at Nat and wanted to cry. I guess I almost did cause Jonathan was like “oh my gosh you ARE going to cry!” and he, Matt & Caleb quickly tried to take the situation back. They redeem themselves in friendship well by the way.

I could go on and on about how wonderful they are but then you might want to throw up and for once I want to write a blog that doesn't take 4 hours to read.

But I do have to mention that Natalie & I got to hang out with the guys from Dizmas also along with our friend from Ohio, Wynnde and another friend of ours, Chad that made the LONG trip from Tennessee. Thanks SOOOO much to you both for that by the way! I love you guys!

Zach (who by the way… for being in a band as hard as they are he and his brother, Josh smile A LOT) from Dizmas was a blast and a half. I hung out with him almost as much as I hung out with EleventySeven... ALMOST. Sadly my cousin, Leslie who was supposed to join us on the adventure this weekend couldn't make it so she missed it. But it was made up for by the end of the night when I called her to inform her that all the guys signed a poster for her and Jon Howard even made sure to personalized it saying they missed her.... which all of Dizmas & Eleventyseven made sure to say numerous times throughout the evening....

Sorry side tracked... anyway... so yeah I called Leslie to tell her about the poster... I got her machine so she called to see how it went and wanted us to pass on a message to Zach for her and then... She told me to hand over the phone to him. So I did. And he walked away with it. hahahaha

She was in her glory.

Then Caleb took my phone to talk to her. Yeah... SUPER FUNNY!

Oh man and I wanted to make this a short one...

Oh and a duck hissed at me! hahahaha
As I close I only have one thing to say... "YOU'VE BEEN MULLETIZED!" hahahahaha

- Spaztic Monkey -

Friday, May 12, 2006

Hitting The Road

Listening to: “Car Underwater” by: Armor For Sleep
Well it’s 6:55am on Friday morning…. Yep it’s officially “D-Day”.

In roughly 2 hours Nat will be here to pick me up to make the trip down to South Bend, IN to go visit our friends, Eleventyseven, Wyndee and Nat’s boyfriend, Chad.

One thing’s for certain is that this will be an eventful weekend.

I’ve already promised to take lots of pictures. And I’m sure I’ll have PLENTY of stories. Hahahahahaha

So all that is left is to pack a few more things like my shampoo and stuff and then get some snacks for the road. OH! And of course a few more Number Fill-Ins and A Sudoku that my sister has been hiding from me.

I’ll be sure to post some pics and of course a blog… or 15 about this weekend here shortly.

Oh and I’m super happy to report that a friend that lives in Florida & I have been in touch… when we have time and I *crosses fingers* will be able to make a trip down there sometime this summer for a visit. That would be SO much fun! More on that in a later post…

Anyway… wish me luck… Nat’s driving today. ;) hahahahaha

To South Bend With You!
- Stacey -

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

So what ya gonna, gonna do...

Listening to: Third Day "Cry Out To Jesus" (It's on WCSG right now)
Ok so since my last blog A LOT has happened. I've been an emotional rollercoaster... VERY obvious to those whom... I'm sorry... have witnessed it and been on the "bad end" of it.

Sorry to you all. I know I haven't been the nicest or the happiest. I had a broken heart... but that's no excuse. But you'll all be happy to know that it's all been changed. Well... sort of... I no longer have a broken heart. But nor do I have my phone ringing off the hook or 100 e-mails to read each day simply because I was on his mind from the guy in my thoughts.

But I have recently come to understand that giving up hope is just not 'in the cards' for me as some people like to put it.

I was at work the other day when God began to talk to me. You know what I mean the kind of 'talking' when he just lets you know what you need to know by not using words. Well he did that. And let me tell you... when God has your undivided attention and has something to say... He can talk A LOT! and there was no mistaking that God was talking then.

I began to get sick to my stomach and since I was allowed to have a short break I went outside and began to pray. I didn't know what was going on and why God was telling me what he was... i just didn't understand. But then God spoke again. I suddenly got Aaron Shust "My Savior, My God" stuck in my head. But not all of it. In fact... all I know of the song is the chorus. But I had the first line of the song stuck in my head... when it says "I am not skilled to understand what God has willed What God has planned..." Something like that.

Yep... *Looks up to God* I hear you.

But then I was about ready to look up the phone number to Pine Rest when God spoke again. But this time.. I heard him. Not like God speaking in my heart and hearing it in my head. I litterally heard a voice. I guess God thought I just wasn't getting it... He told me "Stacey you once said you'd wait forever. So then this happens and you give up..." *shudders at remembering* then he went on "You're not supposed to understand. You're just supposed to do as I say."

*Stacey's eyes grow double the size*

Now tell me that was NOT God. If it wasn't then someone REALLY wise was talking and trust me... it was NOT anyone I worked with that day... (No I was not at the station that day). hahaha

All I did was open my heart and let God guide me and he told me exactly what I needed to know.

One more thing before your eyes can re-adjust... when I spoke to my friend Hannah about this she told me something I think I should share with you... "God takes away something that means a lot to us to bring us back to him."

Just let that simmer.

- Stacey -

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Jane Austen Couldn't Even Help...

Ok so I got some news that I should have been expecting for a while now. So yes there is something wrong with me. No I don’t want to talk about it. Just know that yes I dealing with things. So please don’t ask anything about it and don’t say “oh such and such will cheer you up” It’s not working… Reading a book by favorite author, Jane Austen… Listening to my favorite bands, Starfield, Family Force 5, Neverending White Lights…. Trying to write something… it’s just not working. So please let me have my time and I’ll get over it. I don’t need anyone worrying about me or the situation. I’ve already been a bother to two of my friends… I don’t want to add you to that list… they shouldn’t even be on the list. Thanks in advance.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Silver Lining

listening to: Rascal Flatts "What Hurts The Most"
Out of the hardest times God comes shining his light.

I've had a horrible day that started out fantastic. In a nut shell... they call it a crush for a reason.

I spent most of the night in tears... feeling sorry for myself. I locked myself in my room with a bag of microwave popcorn, a mug of hot tea and Jane Austen (My favorite author in case you didn't know that). Then i got the urge to check on something. My eyes, my head and my heart I have come to find out are cahoots and are out to drive me insane. I wanted so badly to get the answers i was looking for that I actually thought I saw todays date when I was just seeing things.

So I called Natalie in tears. surprise surprise. I was about to give up ALL hope until I surfed over to one of my favorite websites. - Yeah I know eyes are rolling and some of you are making the 'throwing up' motions. But before you get too out of hand... There was a new video up. So I watched it and began to feel a little better... but still confused.

So then I checked to see if there was a new journal. Yep. And from Jon nonetheless. As I read something caught my eye. Jon has a girlfriend now. He is happy. Her name is Jesse. They've been together for 6 months now and he's taking her home to Winnepeg to meet his family.

I know I know... I'm supposed to be over that. And I am... to an extent. I think I will always have a bit of a crush on Jon. But my feelings have changed. And I mean that honestly. They changed a while ago. Suddenly I found myself feeling better. Like maybe God was telling me "Stacey. Jon was not the one I wanted for you. You know that now and I want you to focus on me and what I want for you. I want you hope for things. But you need to learn to trust me. When you master this I will reward you."

God has brought this "crush" into my life for a reason. I'm not saying he's 'the one'... though that would be SWEET! But this morning my friend, Hannah asked me if things don't work out with this guy I like would I go back to the way I felt for Jon. And I answered honestly. I told her that I think I will always have a thing for him but that once I start to fall I'll remember that I never had a chance and then he'll be pushed to the back of my mind again. I know.. it's happened. There are 2 other guys besides Jon in my past that I will never fully get over. But the more I thought about it. I noticed that when I liked let's call him "#1" (since they may read this since I'm still friends with the both of them) it was strong and... well... a childhood crush... then I met "#2" and "#1" became less desireable in my eyes though I never fully could let go.

Then Jon came along. I had nearly forgot about both of the other 2. But never fully. They were always there still... just waiting to resurface just long enough for me to remember why I had 'moved on'. Now... I have met this man. And almost instantly Jon joined the other guys in the dark corners of my mind. My head and my heart have been filled with nothing but images and dreams... hopes... hurt... since I met him.

Not even when "#2" just happened to 'pop up' out of the blue the other day did this man leave my mind. I'm not sure what God is asking of me. Why this man has come into my life. All I know... is he has. And he's worth the risk 1,000 times over.

You never know until you try. Right?