Wedding Countdown Ticker

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Today is the day!

so I hope all of you went out and picked up your copies of "Eleventyseven And The Land Of Fake Beleive" and "Beauty In The Broken". Both were released today! *does a happy dance*

I've been waiting since November... *tries to recalculate in her mind*... oh I don't remember... whenever the Starfield cd was supposed to originally be out. The street date got pushed back so many times that I lost track. But it's been a while. And now it's out and everyone can share in the joy that is Starfield.

Not to mention. My dear friends, Eleventyseven have put out thier debut cd on flicker records as well.

my 2 favorite bands putting out a cd on the same day... what more could I ask for... Nat, Leslie, Chad & Wynnde... don't answer that. hahahaha

- Spaztic Monkey... or whatever my new nickname is today... hahaha *looks at Nat* PHONE BOOK! hahahahaha -


Natalie Jean said...

holla to eleventyseven and starfield!!! they are gonna do sooooo good!!! i love the guys!!! bam!!! a mullet!!!

Corey Patrick Miller said...

So many exclamation marks in Nat's response . . . haha

- I would say that I would buy the cd's but I really don't think that I would ^^; . . . It's been so long since I have bought a cd, kinda sad I suppose