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Friday, May 12, 2006

Hitting The Road

Listening to: “Car Underwater” by: Armor For Sleep
Well it’s 6:55am on Friday morning…. Yep it’s officially “D-Day”.

In roughly 2 hours Nat will be here to pick me up to make the trip down to South Bend, IN to go visit our friends, Eleventyseven, Wyndee and Nat’s boyfriend, Chad.

One thing’s for certain is that this will be an eventful weekend.

I’ve already promised to take lots of pictures. And I’m sure I’ll have PLENTY of stories. Hahahahahaha

So all that is left is to pack a few more things like my shampoo and stuff and then get some snacks for the road. OH! And of course a few more Number Fill-Ins and A Sudoku that my sister has been hiding from me.

I’ll be sure to post some pics and of course a blog… or 15 about this weekend here shortly.

Oh and I’m super happy to report that a friend that lives in Florida & I have been in touch… when we have time and I *crosses fingers* will be able to make a trip down there sometime this summer for a visit. That would be SO much fun! More on that in a later post…

Anyway… wish me luck… Nat’s driving today. ;) hahahahaha

To South Bend With You!
- Stacey -


Corey Patrick Miller said...

Oh NoEs! . . . Natalie is driving!? Good luck indeed :P

- Well . . . Have Fun ^~^