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Sunday, July 09, 2006

Amazing Stories: week 2

listening to: Jerry cutting into the groupnd to put in patio stones, mom & Jen being Mom & Jen, the pool filter, & the wind

reading: The Ishbane Conspiracy
Today was one of most powerful sermon's that I have ever experienced. We're in our 2nd of 5 week "Amazing Stories" Series. Last week was all about Isaac & Abraham and laying down the "Isaac" in our lives. This week the amazing story we focused on was Moses and the Red Sea. About how when we get to the moments in our lives when there's no way out... look to God and see the path he has created. It's there... it's just may be at the bottom of the sea.

After the sermon, Pastor Joel asked those of us who are in a 'no way out' point in our lives for an altar call. It was a really emoional time as the congregation watched our friends and family take their place at the stage. There was hardly an empty space along the front of the stage and not a dry eye in the sanctuary.

After a prayer for those who were dealing with thier "Red Sea" the service was dismissed and something called me up front to comfort a friend of mine. I didn't ask questions. I just hugged them and cried with them. They asked if they could talk to me. I of course agreed and we sat down. It took at lot for them to open up and let go of what was troubling them. I'm greatful that this person could confide in me. I only wish I knew how to help. I gave the only advice that I knew since I have never been in that situation. And I couldn't help but feel guilty.

I felt guilty for being as happy as I have been over the past few months. I felt guilty that things are going so well in my life. That things are falling into place when it comes to my moving to Tennessee.

Then as we cried together a little more and began to pray together. A "Miracle" happened... I have a certian friend that every time I'm having a bad day or something bad happens just happens to know or something. He's always there. We were praying and I heard the guitar into to one of his band's song playing on the PA. It was the first time I had ever heard him play at my church. I looked up, knowing people were thinking I was insane... most people think that anyway... and said something along the lines of "Now is no the time to be funny up there!" Leslie, my friend and I all laughed and I just had to call my friend whom was playing. I got his voicemail. But I had to let him know that he was not only there for me as I comforted a friend, but he was there for my friend who needed it and he didn't even know it.

This was the point in my blog where I was going to try to be all wise and junk by quoting "My Savior, My God" by: Aaron Shust. Teling you, my dear reading friend, that I was at one of the "Red Sea" moments in my life not 2 months ago... wait... it was... 2 months... today. well the last day of it anyway. God speaking to me telling me "You're not supposed to understand, you're supposed to just do as I tell you." and using the lines from that song that say "I am not skilled to understand what God has willed what God has planned." and reminding myself of that daily was my path through the Red Sea.

Anyway... now that I have done my daily rambeling... As I read the lyrics to the rest of Aaron's songs I found one more suiting. So I will just leave you to ponder this. And I hope it will help you to look to God and find your path through the Red Sea. In his song "More Wonderful" he says...

"When the world crashes down around me
I know You'll be there to pull me out from the rubble
When my enemy surrounds and I call on Your name
You'll be there to deliver me from my troubled soul"



Anonymous said...

that sermon was sweet. i even cried. and that never happens. well our family cries all the time, but not me imparticuliar-always have to be different you know. but anyways...we are going to dive in the red sea to see all the chariot wheels once i graduate from college. what an amazing trip that will be! the anticipation....then i will prolly cry under water? :) haha. aj if you are reading this by are invited to come with us!!!! :) but on a more seriouse note...what an amazing story...followed by an amazing message and the comfort of friends. but then again...i am not surprised in the least bit...we serve a pretty amazing God. true story. -Les