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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

God And Saying Goodbye

Watching: Sweet Home Alabama
You know those moments where God reminds you how precious life is... just how scared you can get... and show you what is truly important... all in a moment?

Today I was visiting my sister, Anisa along with her husband, Josh and my three beautiful nieces, Kendra, Emmalee & Joslynn.

I had been acting and feeling weird all day. But while we were just sitting there reading a book my heart started acting up again. But this time it affected my lungs... I really thought that maybe today was the day that I was going to die.

I began thinking about all the things that mattered to me. The things in my life that I say mean so much to me that in all reality.. I hardly give a second thought. I began thinking about the 'what ifs'. Like "what if I never see Emmalee turn 4"... "What if I never hear Joslynn say 'I love you, Aunt Stacey."... "What if I don't get to interrogate Kendra's first boyfriend."

But then I began thinking... I'm going to miss those things anyway. Because when I move to Tennessee finally... it's sort of like the Stacey from the middle of nowhere, Michigan will die. Because it's not like I'll be a few towns away. I'll be a few states away... a few... long... hours away. I wont get to see those girls all the time.

I'm really going to miss those three. But there are things you have to let go of when you have a dream like I have my whole life. I'm going to try to be a better Aunt to those girls... A better sister to my sisters... a better daughter... a better friend. Cause you just never know... cause no matter if I die tomorrow... or move to Tennessee... I'm going to have to say good-bye.


Corey Patrick Miller said...

Well I hope that you are doing better now.

- And I agree with your statement about having to let things go . . . you most certainly should move, even though it shall be hard to leave so many things behind.

*internet hug*

Hannah said...

I thought about that when Samuel was first born, just the idea of moving and missing his little life was almost to much to bare. I'm glad I stayed, because God has healed me in ways I never knew were broken and He continues to move me forward to the next step in our Journey together.
Tennessee is an AMAZING place, but I don't have to tell you that ;).

Just because you are moving does not mean you can't still be a very real and very active part of your families lives, it just means you will have to work a whole lot harder to be apart of their lives.

Anonymous said...

i have to admit that this blog made me sad. because if you did die, then i would never get to see you again. and that makes me sad. cuz i miss you girl. so don't even think about dying. cuz god has a great plan for you. and he has much more planned for you in your life. he created you to do something great in this world. and i know that you will. i love you girl.