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Monday, September 11, 2006

better late than never...

listening to: the rain outside
ok so I know it's been a while since I've updated (all 5 of you) on what's going on in my life (cause it's not like I don't talk to you just everyday haha)

Well as you know my big move to Tennessee is only 18 days away. I'm getting really nervous. This is a big move and I just want to be sure that this is really what God wants in my life and that it's not just something I think He wants.

I talked to Wynnde today (like every other day haha) and she was at Shoutfest with my near and dear friends Caleb, Matt & Jonathan (Eleventyseven) along with Rowe, Wann, Pearson, AJ & Brad (Nevertheless). This of course depressed me cause I haven't seen them in months. I began to feel like a horrible friend since Wynnde sees them all the time and I don't.

I'm going to miss Nevertheless' cd release party by 9 days and that kills me. I feel like I should be there to show my support... which of course I know I don't need to show to them. If they haven't figured out by now how much I support them... they're some REALLY blind guys! :)

I did however get to talk to Rowe for a second so that was cool. And I heard Pearson in the background saying something. Wynnde told me that Matt told her to tell me hi but she had already hung up. I miss those guys. :( The only thing that would have made me want to be there more would have been if Lu (Story Side:B) and Katie & Brian (3:16) would have been there. If they were there then I would have been REALLY heart broken.

So anyway... talked to Wynnde for a bit after the gang parted and then when we hung up I tried to get some sleep... knowing it wasn't gonna happen. Well I was right. So after reading for a bit and then beating another level on The Legend of Zelda: Link To The Past... I decided to go for a drive.

So I did.

I just drove around town listening to Until June (Of course!) trying to clear my head. Which as you know is a non-stop, drama filled, chaos factory. But it must have done something to my mind cause about the time I was passing the old factory near my apartment I hit the curb. My mind drifted and I almost flipped my brand new (even though it's a used car) car.

So now I lay here in my room only lit by my computer screen listening to the rain outside and typing another random blog that is extremely long and probably not making any sense. Honestly. I don't remember half of what I wrote. I'll have to go back and read it.

Insomnia has become a part of my life...
- Stacey -


Corey Patrick Miller said...

You got a new car !?

- Tis a good thing that you didn't wreck your car or get hurt. But it's also nice to see that you are playing A Link to the Past because that game is totally awesome!

- - Well I need to get back to doing homework for now, but I shall talk to you sometime . . . because I at least need to see you before you leave :(