Wedding Countdown Ticker

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Listening to: other agents talking on the phone.
So as you guessed… I’m at work. Yep. I am bored OUT OF MY MIND! I literally am averaging 1 call every 15 – 20 minutes.

Just got off the phone with one of the girls at Towne Park and she said that they’re just as bad. So now I’m sitting here waiting for Frank to tell me to go home so I can call Don to come get me before I fall asleep!

Oh! Don! Yeah! SURPRISE! NEW GUY IN MY LIFE! Actually it’s 4 new guys! Tee hee.

I am managing a band now. They’re called Shine Under. Living here in Nashville but born and raised in Allegan, MI. I work with two of the guys here at the hotel and it just was in God’s plan for the 3 of us to meet. Then Sean & Adam asked me to be their manager. I of course said yes and asked on of our “co-stars”, Stephanie to assist me in Merchandise.

Then they introduced Stephanie and I to Don. Don is a mechanic as well as the bands drummer. Right now he’s working on my car since It decided it wanted to start squealing and smoking at me 2 days before I was supposed to go visit Kendra for her 7th birthday.

I never made it home.

Well Don is still working on the car and has been nice enough to drive me to work and come pick me up. The guys are amazing! They’re so appreciative! They joke around about the fact that they can’t pay Stephanie and I and so we joke with them. For instance I told them that they could buy me this watch I had when I was 6. It was a ninja turtles watch that had all 4 of their heads on it and the logo.

I lost the watch a long time ago and I’ve been looking for a new one a lot over the past few years. Sean found it. The EXACT watch… ok not exact. The wrist band isn’t black plastic like mine was. But still! How sweet is that! They bought me this watch as a thank you and I was only kidding when I told them about it.

Things have been falling together really well and really fast when it comes to the band. I was really missing the industry, Stephanie wanted to work merch for someone and the guys wanted to tour… well… 2 out of three… check… we’re not going to do any bookings until we find a 4th member. So if any of you know of a guitar player in the Nashville area… LET ME KNOW! PLEASE!

Oh and the 4th guy in my life… Oscar… our mascot!... yeah... he's a dog.... litterally.


Corey Patrick Miller said...

Oh my gosh . . . I remember looking for that watch with you before! Ninja turtles FTW!! ^____^

- I am glad that they were able to find a suitable replacement for the old one.

- - Sorry to hear about your car troubles as well :( . . . too bad you couldn't make it back, but at least they are nice enough to help you out with the situation. And it really does sound like things are going well, and I am really glad to hear it. :D

*goes back to writing a research paper* T^T