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Monday, November 13, 2006

STACEY GOES CRAZY!............ part 2

Listening to: a whole lot of agents making reservations, typing… oh yeah and I have “Brotherhood” by Flatfoot 56. Stuck. In. My. Head.
So yeah. Not a lot going on in The Busy World Of Stacey Scary. But in the same sense… yeah… a lot HAS been going on.

Oh where do I begin?

As you know I made the 10 hour drive along with Andrea & Wynnde to go surprise AJ, Pearson, Wann, Rowe, Brad, Matt, Jonathan & Cah-lay-leb in Louisiana. But what you may NOT know (because my blog is updating right now so I can’t re-read the last blog) is that I made more friends. WOOHOO! I made buddies with Tobin, Josh Robieson, Kyle, Justin (Flatfoot 56), Jonathan, & Josh Brown.

You have NO idea the insanity my life is in now! Lol

ALSO… I manage a band now…. But you knew that…

But yeah… what you DIDN’T know is that Stephanie is going to be our 4th roommate! WOOHOO! She’s moving in the first of December so that makes Wynnde, Andrea, Stephanie and myself VERY happy!

But that’s beside the point… I’m married…. Or at least that’s what Noah thinks. Hahahahaha I was at the Pillar show last night with the girls and Flatfoot. Well if you’ve ever seen Flatfoot you would know that Tobin is RRREEEAAALLLYYY tall. He’s like 7’2” compared to me!


I was talking to Noah’s wife, Lindsay about their new baby girl when Noah walked up behind Lindsay and Tobin behind me right as Noah was acting like he was going to beat me up. Now Noah’s arms are like 5 of me! So you think I’d be afraid!


I told him ‘you don’t wanna mess with these guns!’ as I flexed my lack of pistols. And then pointed to Tobin and said “I got this to back me up.” We started laughing because he really is a lot taller than I am. And then Noah says to Tobin “Is she your wife?” Tobin and I looked at each other and started laughing. So for the rest of the night we were joking about us being married and at one point he asked me when the date was and then said we were gonna have an Antelope Elopement cause he couldn’t get out the word “elope” hahahahahahahaha

Other than that… not much…

Oh but I quit Old Navy.

-k- bye.


Corey Patrick Miller said...

Everyone's like 7’2” compared to you! :P

- But it does sound like you are keeping busy . . . as am I with school work, drawing, etc . . .

- - Oh, and I have to say that the new Josh Groban CD is rockin' good :D

=Miss you Stace=