Wedding Countdown Ticker

Thursday, February 01, 2007


listening to: "There's A Class For This" by: Cute Is What Ws Aim For
I miss Corey...

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I miss Leslie...

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I my mom & big sisters...

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I miss my 3 beautiful neices...

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I miss Natalie...

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Corey Patrick Miller said...

I have been so busy lately . . . :((

- But I miss you too Stace !! It has been SO crazy here the past couple days. The college has been closed for the past three days because the weather has been so bad. Too much snow T^T

- - I shall try and call you when I have the time, or you can give me a call whenever you want. I am always happy to have a good reason to take a break from doing my homework . . . so if you ever want to talk give me a call :D