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Sunday, July 15, 2007


listening to: "Pin You Wings" by: Copeland

I have BLACK hair!!!

no not really dark brown!

It's black!

Ok so for the first time EVER my hair has been dyed. My sisters had this GREAT idea to dye all of our hair at the same time. Jennifer went Strawberryshortcake Red. Anisa went Hannah Montana Blonde. And me... Kate Beckinsale in Underworld Black.

Only it wasn't supposed to be like that. Anisa was going to go lighter... she got it. Jen wanted to get a little "funkier" as she put it and go red. She's now the cartoon version of Joss Stone and loves it. With me they wanted to bet the blonde streaks out since my hair had grown a considerable amount since I got them. We were trying to get my hair back to it original color... Now I look fake Goth. But it's cool. It's just hair. I don't totally hate it. When I put my hair up and pulled it away from the Black shirt I was wearing it didn't look that bad. It'll fade a little everyday... and my normal hair color is pretty dark so it won't be THAT big of a difference.... right????

Basically. I've just never really dyed my hair. I put highlights in it a few times. But never all my hair. I like my normal hair color. I never wanted to dye it. But here I am... a vampire... at least that was the comment... black hair... and I would say pale skin... which I have... but I'm VERY proud that this is the most tan I've been in my life.

Oh well. there's a first time for everything right? I'll post pics when I can.

Love y'all. Miss y'all.
- Stacey... So not Goth -


Corey Patrick Miller said...

haha Stacey's emo :P

- I shall have to see it before making any real judgment on it, but since your hair was pretty dark before . . . I would think it would look okay. ^^

- And Pin Your Wings is spelled wrong at the top, but it is a good song for sure.

Les_blog said...

i want to see it!!! in PERSON.