Wedding Countdown Ticker

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Here goes nothin...

listening to: "Cat And Mouse" by: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
I got a new layout! YIPPIE!!!! Took long enough! lol

Well as you can tell from the title of this entry I am about to embark on something MAJOR. In just over a week I am making the trip for the first time EVER to Chicago. I'm geeked. I'm nervous. I have never even seen the skyline so if you know of anything good to do there for the weekend PLEASE let me know.

Also. I have made a pact with 2 of my best friends. We have been having some difficulty with one specific issue. So we made a pact today that we will NOT give up hope and not let each other give up hope and give up on each other.

I LOVE YOU GIRLS! I'm so glad I have friends like you to hold me to this! Corey, Les... I have not forgoten about you two. You can hold me to it too if you want. I love you both! I miss you! I hope to see you soon!

- Stacey -


Anonymous said...

I love you too girl!! we'll make it thought b/c we all have eachother.