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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Good Times...

listening to: "Whenever You Remember" by: Carrie Underwood
Have you ever had those times when you just really miss home? It doesn't matter if you're at school, on the road, or at a friends house. Missing home stinks! I just got a message from a friend saying he moved to Tennessee. I saw a video earlier , "Moments" by: Emerson Drive & Now I'm watching a show about Carrie Underwood and both have Nashville in them. Moments only had "The Bridge" in it but in this show I've seen the skyline, LP Field, & one place that is close to my heart, The Sound Kitchen.

I am going back for a wedding in June. But I don't want to wait that long. I'd gladly give up all birthday plans I could have just to spend one day there again.

I miss my friends. I miss the city. lol I even miss the dumb construction on Briley Parkway.

I'm happy where I am. God wants me here. I have a great job. Amazing friends. My family is here. I don't have anything to complain about.

I just need one day to sastify my homesickness.

I love you, Nashville!
- Stacey Ree -

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's a great day to be alive I know the sun's still shining when I close my eyes...

listening to: Travis Tritt "Great Day To Be Alive" & Breaking Benjamin "Breathe"

Today is a great day. The sun in shinning It's Anisa & Josh's anniversary. Valentine's Day is tomorrow. I have an amazing boyfriend. I have the greatest job in the world. Good health. And a God who loves me.

I have nothing to complain about and I love it.

God is good... all the time... and all the time... God is good. *looks at Nat & giggles*

- Stacey Ree -

p.s lol it's so beautiful that I couldn't waste the sun so I'm "sun-bathing" in my car since it's 25 degrees outside. *dies laughing*

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

she said I'm sorry I had a bad day again...

listening to: "By Now" by: Copper
talk about a bad morning! So far I woke up at 3 and then somehow fell back to sleep in that time cause I woke up again at 3:45 and had to rush my shower and only half do my hair. I had to rush to work which wasn't a good thing since the roads were bad and I live an hour away.

I got a bloody nose. That never happens!

I almost got hit like 4 times on the way here by the only other 4 cars on the road when I am.

I have no make up on cause I didn't have time and I look like I got dressed in the dark.

Oh and I started to fall asleep on the way to work.

Deep breath Stace. *takes a deep breath*

I can't believe it's only 5:20. I hope this day turns around fast. I go on the air in 40.

pray for me y'all.
- Stacey Ree -