Wedding Countdown Ticker

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

she said I'm sorry I had a bad day again...

listening to: "By Now" by: Copper
talk about a bad morning! So far I woke up at 3 and then somehow fell back to sleep in that time cause I woke up again at 3:45 and had to rush my shower and only half do my hair. I had to rush to work which wasn't a good thing since the roads were bad and I live an hour away.

I got a bloody nose. That never happens!

I almost got hit like 4 times on the way here by the only other 4 cars on the road when I am.

I have no make up on cause I didn't have time and I look like I got dressed in the dark.

Oh and I started to fall asleep on the way to work.

Deep breath Stace. *takes a deep breath*

I can't believe it's only 5:20. I hope this day turns around fast. I go on the air in 40.

pray for me y'all.
- Stacey Ree -


Corey Patrick Miller said...

I read this the other day, but forgot to comment on it.

- But yeah, that's definitely not the best start to a day ever. And the first time I read it I thought you had said that you HAD been hit four times. lol

- So, did the rest of your day turn out to be better ? I haven't talked to you or seen you in quite some time. How have things been ?