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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Oh what a day

listening to: something by the Foo Fighters... something about "another round..." or something...
Hypothetically speaking... what do you do when one of the days that is supposed to be the absolute best turns out to be one of the absolute worst?

Is it because you get your hopes up too high for that day? You expect everything to be perfect and then because you hoped for so much everything goes totally haywire.

I just don't get it. Makes no sense what so ever.


Corey Patrick Miller said...

Hypothetically speaking ... you try to remember all of the good things you have going for you; and that in the long run it really doesn't matter, but it doesn't usually seem to work.

- And I actually had a sarcastic/joking sort of conversation the other day about getting your hopes up too high for something. They had said you should just never have expectations at all, but I came to the conclusion that you should ALWAYS have LOW expectations. That way you are never disappointed; if things turn out badly, you expected that anyway so, no big deal. But if things are average or above ... well then, you are pleasantly surprised.

Eberlin said...

Expect the best, but prepare for the worst. Don't be afraid to acknowledge your feelings, but remember that there's always a brighter day!