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Saturday, September 06, 2008

And then God spoke to me...

listening to: "Fall" by: Clay Walker

Something extraordinary happened today! I went to see Matt.

I know no big deal here right?


I went alone! This is a big deal! I never thought I'd be able to go alone. Nick has given me such strength and courage that I knew I could do it. As I drove nearer to the cemetery. I just felt like I had to stop. It doesn't matter to me if that's only his body laying there. It makes me feel closer to him. I know Matt's always around. But I feel like I can talk freely with him and I can feel that he hears me and cares.

He's happy. He's safe. He's over the moon that God brought Nick and I together. They would've liked each other. In fact... 3 years ago Matt would've probably been right there when Nick & I met and would've seen that we liked each other and then done everything he could've to get us together. That's just who he was. lol

I miss him. But he's happy that God picked Nick out for me. Cause Matt knows I will be taken care of. I won't be allowed to get too much out of hand cause Nick will keep me in check. *dies laughing* and he knows I'll be loved the way I'm supposed to.

I'm so at peace right now. Nothing can bring me down. :D
-Stacey -