Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 08....

listening to: Chris Lemke at our sister station W*BEEP* (lol inside joke) playing Brandon Heath's "Give Me Your Eyes" so loud that if we had the mics on right now our listeners could hear it.
So Nick and I took a trip back to IL to visit his family. This time for Christmas. And let me tell you it was one of the 3 coldest times of my entire life!!!!

It was like 14 here and -2 there! For real!!!!! I had on at least 6 blankets every night... one was a thermal sleeping bag, one a down filled comforter and one being a heated blanket (which I made Nick use the last 2 nights since he insisted on sleeping on the couch instead of the air mattress his mom made up for him. And with only a throw pillow... and somehow I'M the one that got sick).

The coldest by far was when I was at recording school and the electricity went out... yeah... we had ELECTRIC heat and it is was January in the middle of nowhere!!! SO! COLD!

The third... the night before last when the electricity went out at my apartment. Not as cold. but MAN it was pretty chilly!! Thanks wind storm!!!

So now I have a cold. fun.

But I got my hair cut off!!! I'm not even kidding. It's now the shortest it's EVER been. I have pictures... I just have to swipe them from Nick. So I'll post them in a day or so...

have fun y'all... and I leave you with a video courtesy of Zach the soon-to-be-not-the-intern-anymore...


- Stacey Ree-


Corey Patrick Miller said...

Well, I hope that you had a good time even if it was extremely cold.