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Tuesday, January 05, 2010


watching: dirty jobs... kinda... it's on tv but not paying attention...

So it's official! Last night Nick and I finally settled on a date!

As of December 18, 2010 I will be a married woman!!!!

So we got almost an entire year to go but planning this thing will make it fly... hopefully.

Also a few things have changed... Leslie sadly will not be my maid of honor... She will be on a 11 month long mission in 11 different countries. Please pray for her and once I get the link I will post it here to hopefully help her get her funding under control.

So needless to say I had to ask someone else to be my maid of honor and my eldest sister has graciously accepted the offer. :) I have to admit I was a little nervous that my other sister, Anisa would've been hurt. But she was pretty geeked which just made me realize it was a smart move.

We've gotten a check list book and such to get the planning underway and have already started filling it with some great ideas both by myself AND Nick. I love how he WANTS to help plan the big day! Not to mention he's got AMAZING ideas! I'm one VERY blessed/lucky girl!!!!!

Right now we're checking out photographers and trying to see if we can get the church we like for that day. And we're trying to get the exact shades of colors we like. We're pretty sure we want to get married here in Nashvegas. But we have to keep in mind that both my sister, Anisa and Nick's sister, Chrystal, who are both expecting will be having a small baby each to watch over. That's an added bonus of marrying Nick... I get a new baby niece or nephew as well. :D

It's all about baby steps (tee hee) I guess. :)
- Stacey Ree -


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I am happy that love has found you. I have prayed for it for some time.

From a Jerk(that's kinda putting it lightly)in michigan

Masiarak said...

That's what husbands are for! Don't worry, little Elijah will be well taken care of. Unless I'm still breast feeding and he starts crying during the ceremony....then we might have a mess.
So excited to hear more about the ideas!