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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

food i can't eat. fail.

listening to: "Puzzle Of My Heart" by: Westlife


So as you probably know by now I was in a car accident in mid February. Luckily it wasn't as bad as it could've been. I fractured my right knee cap in 3 places (we found that out today.. well not the fractured part... just how many places). I didn't know that was possible. But I'm good at learning stuff like that. lol I also fractured the left side of my jaw. The friday after the accident I had to have my jaw wired shut which most people think stops me from talking. WRONG. God gave me a gift and I will use it. I mean I get paid to talk and everything. lol I can't talk MUCH though. It hurts if I talk too much so i try not to. Doesn't always work though. Oops!

With that said. Nick and I have picked a caterer. In fact he went to go do a tasting with them which I had to pretty much push him into. I didn't wanna make anyone attending our wedding eat something that we don't even like. How fair is that? So he asked me if I would be mad and I finally made him realize I really wanted him to. But it didn't happen. He went but he and the caterer (Two Fat Men Catering decided to hold off on the tasting until I'm better and can actually eat something instead of just drinking.

I can't WAIT to eat a baked potato! Tony's (my favorite restaurant in the world) fried mushrooms, Jonathan's bbq chicken pizza & nick's hamburgers are pretty high on that list too. I've just been craving a baked potato for a long time. Poor Nick has had to deal with literal tears over it. lol

ok now i'm hungry again. sigh.
-Stacey Ree-


Cal said...

I can totally relate to the food thing, little sister! I had bariatric surgery on March 30th, and the list of things I can't eat is huge. This week, I graduated to cottage cheese and coco wheats. The cottage cheese is nice - the coco wheats, not so much.

At least you'll get all your foods back! I'll not be eating some things for the rest of my life. But it's worth it - totally. :-D