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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Indiana trip

Listening to: "Myspace" by: Eleventyseven
Ok so this was QUITE the weekend. For those of you reading that were there... you know what I mean.

First of all I need to mention that on the way down to Indiana Nat and I happened upon the RV Hall of Fame. Yeah cause apparently RVs need one. Explain that!

So yeah Eleventyseven has officially taken their rightful title as my favorite band. Yeah you read that right. They have surpassed the unbeatable... Starfield.

Being around Matt, Jonathan & Caleb this weekend has made me respect them in a whole new way. I see them in a different light now. No I don't mean the stage lighting was different... though it was... I have honestly become friends for life with them. They truly are 3 amazing guys.

I found this Ninja turtle a while back and when I saw it – it reminded me of Jonathan since he had a Ninja Turtles patch on his backpack when we met them. So I gave it to him… well you’ll see in a later blog the story behind this picture….
and of course... this one...
poor turtle! hahaha

Then Matt had to go and break my heart. No… not like I liked him or something… the guy has a girlfriend… trust me she’s beautiful! I’ve seen pictures. No he was being Matt and joking around. There was one thing he said that I just looked at Nat and wanted to cry. I guess I almost did cause Jonathan was like “oh my gosh you ARE going to cry!” and he, Matt & Caleb quickly tried to take the situation back. They redeem themselves in friendship well by the way.

I could go on and on about how wonderful they are but then you might want to throw up and for once I want to write a blog that doesn't take 4 hours to read.

But I do have to mention that Natalie & I got to hang out with the guys from Dizmas also along with our friend from Ohio, Wynnde and another friend of ours, Chad that made the LONG trip from Tennessee. Thanks SOOOO much to you both for that by the way! I love you guys!

Zach (who by the way… for being in a band as hard as they are he and his brother, Josh smile A LOT) from Dizmas was a blast and a half. I hung out with him almost as much as I hung out with EleventySeven... ALMOST. Sadly my cousin, Leslie who was supposed to join us on the adventure this weekend couldn't make it so she missed it. But it was made up for by the end of the night when I called her to inform her that all the guys signed a poster for her and Jon Howard even made sure to personalized it saying they missed her.... which all of Dizmas & Eleventyseven made sure to say numerous times throughout the evening....

Sorry side tracked... anyway... so yeah I called Leslie to tell her about the poster... I got her machine so she called to see how it went and wanted us to pass on a message to Zach for her and then... She told me to hand over the phone to him. So I did. And he walked away with it. hahahaha

She was in her glory.

Then Caleb took my phone to talk to her. Yeah... SUPER FUNNY!

Oh man and I wanted to make this a short one...

Oh and a duck hissed at me! hahahaha
As I close I only have one thing to say... "YOU'VE BEEN MULLETIZED!" hahahahaha

- Spaztic Monkey -


Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoyed your trip to Maffi's Boat.

Natalie Jean said...

that was the best weekend ever!!! we totally rocked southbend. and the matt and turtle pic is beyond words.

Anonymous said...

I think we should do this every weekend!!!! Oh wait... money, don't know anything about that. Hangin with friends in obscure states is free just like sugar on Sunday... right!?