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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Jane Austen Couldn't Even Help...

Ok so I got some news that I should have been expecting for a while now. So yes there is something wrong with me. No I don’t want to talk about it. Just know that yes I dealing with things. So please don’t ask anything about it and don’t say “oh such and such will cheer you up” It’s not working… Reading a book by favorite author, Jane Austen… Listening to my favorite bands, Starfield, Family Force 5, Neverending White Lights…. Trying to write something… it’s just not working. So please let me have my time and I’ll get over it. I don’t need anyone worrying about me or the situation. I’ve already been a bother to two of my friends… I don’t want to add you to that list… they shouldn’t even be on the list. Thanks in advance.


Corey Patrick Miller said...

Okay . . . you can do it Stace *internet hug*

Natalie Jean said...

you are not a bother to any of your friends. we all love you and we are ALL here for you. until the end.

Anonymous said...

Stace- you are loved by a great many people, myself included. Don't fret over the small stuff. We will have all day Friday to roll our eyes and look in the other direction, and make "throw up" signs. =P We are in the same boat... so neither of us is alone.