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Monday, May 22, 2006

Land of Evil Printers

Listening to: "Supersonic" by: Family Force 5
Ok for those of you that like Family Force 5 you usually listen to them either cause you're in a good mood or to make you be in one right?

For those of you that don't listen to them... Give it time I WILL have you addicted! And if I don't... Natalie, Leslie or Wynnde will.... Either way... You cannot escape the love that is Family Force 5.

Anyway... So yeah you usually listen to them cause they're awesome and it makes you happy... Nope. Not me. Not right now. I'm literally listening to them to CHILL OUT! hahaha you don't listen to them to chill out. This is not 'chill out' music. But I am.

Why? Well in a nut shell.. WCSG is out to get me. I just know it! And everyone is using the WCSG printers as the main tool to making me finally take that last step of utter and complete insanity. I was literally yelling at one of them earlier. If that one wasn't printing my envelopes upside down then it was printing them on the BACK of the envelope. And it wouldn't print from the trays it was supposed to...

Heck no that would be WAY to easy. Nope instead I had to switch paper to envelopes literally with EVERY printing job. And then I was trying to print to another printer cause I have officially decided I hate the other one...

So then that one ate my stack of envelopes at once and then decided to print at the previous printer...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *Starts twitching and stuttering*

don't bother calling 9-1-1... She's beyond help!


Corey Patrick Miller said...

Awww . . . that stinks, but at the same time it's funny ^^

- You will never get me addicted to Family Force 5 . . . *runs*