Wedding Countdown Ticker

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Listening to: "Take Away" by: Mainstay
Hey look I'm updating! Be proud! hahaha

Ok so what is the greatest thing in the world to wake up to at 1:30am????

I'll give you a hint...

It has something to do with a friend named Wynnde calling you and saying "I have someone that wants to talk to you" and it turning out to be one of the greatest men in Christian Music... Andy Rosco from The Emberlight!

You figured it out yet? ;)

So yeah. The Emberlight is on tour right now in the Ohio area mostly so I haven't talked to Andy in a little while cause he's so busy. But yeah it was so good to hear from him. I miss him! Andy's the greatest! *thinking to herself* I wonder if he wore his green shoes... hmmm...

ok to bed I go... again... lol... night!
- Stacey -


Corey Patrick Miller said...

haha . . . well that would indeed be a good late night surprise ^~^

Corey Patrick Miller said...

PS . . . how come you never told me that Sanctus Real had a new cd out ? >_>

- That's your job you know :P

Stacey Ree said...

oh hey Corey... Sanctus Real has a new cd called "The Face Of Love"... I have it if you want to listen to it. :p