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Sunday, November 23, 2008

and then there was one...

listening to: silence (but "Crippling Machine" from: A Roterdam November is stuck in my head...



I wish. 

Sleep has never come very easily from me. I get that honestly. my mom's always had problems sleeping too. But for a while it wasn't as much of a problem. But now that Nick is gone... sleep has gotten MUCH worse again. I worry if he's ok. We hardly talk because our schedules are polar opposites and we're always so busy.  But for some reason tonight is the worst it's been in months. 

I thought for a second maybe it was because this was around the time Matt died. 

it's not. 

that was a few weeks ago. 

I can't put my finger on it. All I know is that my mind won't stop racing and I can't get comfortable. 

Something's coming. Something big. 

Excitement or anxiousness of worry I can't tell. but whatever it is... my senses are going haywire. I wake up at night expecting to see someone in my apartment... nope... just myself and laura.

I constantly feel watched... but not always creepily. I just can't focus in any way. And what's worse... I don't have anyone to really talk to. Everyone's sleeping right now. And this is the time when it's the worst. in the dead of night while the whole world and everyone I love is asleep and unaware that I'm in need of help... but it's not really help that anyone can give me... at least I don't think....

Ok i'm rambling again... sorry...

- Stacey Ree -


Corey Patrick Miller said...

About 95% of the time I would be up : P BUT!!!

- I can actually kinda relate w/ not being able to sleep now. Last week there were a few days in a row when I just couldn't fall asleep. It was crazy! Because you know that I usually have NO troubles sleeping XD. I have never had any trouble sleeping that I can remember, but yeah there were a couple days last week I just could not fall asleep and ended up staying up all night.

- I hope that you are able to get some sleep tonight ... and in the nights to come as well.