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Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving?

listening to: "Oh Star" by: Paramore


It's the holidays. Everyone's wishing everyone a "Happy Holidays." So far Thanksgiving is past. It was actually a great one. I got to spend it with family. My friend Katie came up from school in Illinois with her boyfriend, Justin. And best of all (no offense to the rest of you) Nick flew in from Nashville while he had a few days off. 

He had to fly back tonight for a few shows. I have to say (thankfully) it wasn't nearly as hard to say goodbye this time. I know when I get to see him again. Plus he has this thing about "spoiling" me. lol So now I own a pair of chucks... and because he worries so much about me being cold... I also now own a brand new jacket and a heating blanket. lol

He doesn't need to buy me things and he knows it. I'm not used to a guy buying me things and treating me like he does. But I can get used to it. :) Honestly when I think about it he buys me is usually pretty practical. Things I can use. Like when he insists on buying groceries or a fan. :) ok so he didn't buy the fan... it was his. But you get the idea. lol 

I won't pretend that I'm not 100% comfortable with him doing it. I wasn't raised to be like that. I'm not used to guys taking care of women. My mom taught me to be independent and that women can do things on their own. They can survive without a man telling them what to do. But in all honesty... It's not so hard to allow Nick to do what he wants. 

Poor guy puts up with enough of my whining when he does. lol So I try and let him do what he wants from time to time. He seems to be ok with that deal. lol

Anyway. That's what's going on in Staceyland... hope all is well and you're enjoying the holiday season wherever you are tonight...

don't be a stranger. ok?

- Stacey Ree -