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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Remembering November 1994...

listening to: "Who You'd Be Today" by: Kenny Chesney & "When We Die" by: Bowling For Soup


As the anniversary of Matt's death approaches I remember him as he was and wish so many of my family and friends could have met him. Most of all I wish he and Nick would have met. Nick would've liked him. Matt would've been at ease "leaving me" in Nick's care.

I look at my relationship with Nick and I see a lot of Matt in him and how we interact. The jokes we make toward each other. The things he worries about. I haven't told him yet... but he reads this so surprise baby! I just didn't know how to bring it up. 

Everyday he (Nick) becomes more and more of my best friend... the one Matt had always been. And for the first time in my life I'm more at ease with him being gone. For the first time in 14 years I'm not grieving over Matt's death. But rejoicing in the friendship we shared. 

I can't believe how blessed I am. I've gotten to experience 2 of the greatest best friends I'll ever have in my life time... one of them... my guarding angel... and the other... the man God has hand picked for me to spend the rest of my life with.

I only wish the rest of the world could be as happy as I am. 
- Stacey-

OH!!! I forgot... Nick's gotten me into attending church online at and in the series "Kaleo" week 1 Pastor Craig told us a story about a woman he saw who may have needed help and how he didn't stop to see and how that memory haunted him... he said one thing that really hit stuck with me. He said... "To care and not act is to not care at all." 

Chew on that for awhile and I pray it opens your eyes to how true that is for each and everyone of us when we choose to not do something simply because we don't want to... To be a good Christian... to be a good neighbor... to be a good citizen... to be a good person... is to help those in need even when you don't want to and it's an "inconvenience". That may be an angel in disguise and it's what God wants... not what we want no matter what way you look at it. So stop making excuses and ACT!