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Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Muddy Waters...

listening to: honestly... right now... nothing... ok well people talking... does that count?

So last night I had kind of a "bad dream" seems like one of many lately. I just got some bad news yesterday and so I think that had a lot to do with it. I was getting down and pretty worried about things. But I think it showed me that I was "muddying up the waters" so I couldn't hear God's voice. I couldn't hear him speak to me when I was trying to listen so hard. Or at least I thought I was trying. I think that maybe I was afraid of what He was trying to tell me.

It took one of his many "God Bricks" to finally open my eyes. We talked about whispers from God on Sunday during church. But I just wasn't getting it. He had to go another route... yet again to finally get through to me.

He decided to use one of my oldest friends, Kevin. In this "dream" Kevin was arrested for attempted murder. And that's not anything Kevin would EVER be capable of. TRUST ME! I think I pushed him a few times over the 20 odd years we've known each other. And he never broke.

So this morning I woke up and God threw His God brick at my head, screaming "ARE YOU LISTENING NOW?????"

Yes, Lord. I think I am. Or at least this time I'm honestly trying.

I'm gonna try to "clean up the muck" in the waters of my mind. But I know I can't do it alone. I need someone to hold me to it. To make sure I don't falter and stumble along the way. I need prayer.

- Stacey Ree -


Cal said...

And prayer is what you shall have, dear heart. :-D